oh man... u dont need to use cuss words...i wouldn't post that unless i was absolutely sure...i have already experienced it..sometimes it can decrease the video qaulity as well........once i copied Oceans' 13 HD DVD rip and when i compared the teracopy version and the normal copy version i found that the teracopy version had decreased video quality....
rohitshakti2 said:That was one reply i was looking for. As even one of my friend also told the same thing that teracopy decreases the video quality and also corrupts files if we are doing big copying.
How many of you agree with it?
Balkazzaar said:oh man...:S u dont need to use cuss words...i wouldn't post that unless i was absolutely sure...i have already experienced it..sometimes it can decrease the video qaulity as well........once i copied Oceans' 13 HD DVD rip and when i compared the teracopy version and the normal copy version i found that the teracopy version had decreased video quality....
Balkazzaar said:as i said b4...i have already corrupted many files of mine by using teracopy. so i use it to the minimum.......so i obviously agree. the one thing i absolutely hate is that sometimes Teracopy automatically adjusts the buffer size to 10MB :Sand once i corrupted some of WinXP setup files because of this...Now...i always keep the default size to 256KB wen i copy something..one alternate is that u can use Supercopier..its still in its testing stages...u can still give it a try..
Lord Nemesis said:That's kind of interesting. I have been using Teracopy extensively at office for quite some time now. I use it because I have to copy a directory with a huge number of files in various sub directories over a target dir without overwriting any files that are already present in various sub directories. I never got an issue till now regardless of how much I played with the buffer settings. One of the previous versions of Teracopy did have a problem with data corruption due to a bug and it was fixed. If you still face the problem with the latest version, next time why don't you try doing a binary diff of the source and copied files and send the report to the developer?