A armaan Contributor Oct 27, 2011 #1 My base macbook is suffocating from two GB so planning to update to 8 GB.
ALPHA17 Cooler "Master" Galvanizer Oct 27, 2011 #2 ^^ Contact IMAGINE OR Apple India for this query, I don't see Mac-compatible DIMMs' being sold, freely that is. Welcome To Imagine Store. Hope this helps.
^^ Contact IMAGINE OR Apple India for this query, I don't see Mac-compatible DIMMs' being sold, freely that is. Welcome To Imagine Store. Hope this helps.
A armaan Contributor Oct 27, 2011 #3 Too expensive 5k to bump to 4 GB. Is there nothing like newegg here?
superczar Keymaster Oct 27, 2011 #4 What exactly does Mac specific RAM mean anyway? It uses the standard DIMM slots
S stalker Herald Oct 28, 2011 #5 Just get regular RAM that matches specs with your current set. You don't need to pay extra for 'Apple approved' stuff.
Just get regular RAM that matches specs with your current set. You don't need to pay extra for 'Apple approved' stuff.
vantheman5211 Creator of fu*ktron Galvanizer Oct 28, 2011 #6 just get the normal ram and do it yourself.will save costs.
viralbug Forerunner Oct 28, 2011 #7 That's how Apple works. They take normal stuff and put an "Apple approved" sticker on it and sell it at way higher prices. Just buy normal ram for laptop. It would work fine.
That's how Apple works. They take normal stuff and put an "Apple approved" sticker on it and sell it at way higher prices. Just buy normal ram for laptop. It would work fine.