Is this deal worth it? 256gb SSD in 4k

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Your drive isn't reporting all the SMART parameters - some crucial ones like the B1 wear levelling count are missing. SSDlife simply extrapolates the lifespan based on those SMART parameters. No input, no output.
Your drive isn't reporting all the SMART parameters - some crucial ones like the B1 wear levelling count are missing. SSDlife simply extrapolates the lifespan based on those SMART parameters. No input, no output.
Does that mean its a faulty drive or it may be due to old firmware?
Your drive appears to be an HP OEM drive. Firmware is most probably intentionally crippled, since CXM05H1Q is the only firmware mentioned, and other HP OEM drives with the same firmware appear to be missing these additional SMART parameters as well.

You can probably ask the seller to replace yours with a Dell OEM version - the one mentioned earlier in this thread with the CXM03D1Q firmware.

H1Q = HP
D1Q = Dell
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Your drive appears to be an HP OEM drive. Firmware is most probably intentionally crippled, since CXM05H1Q is the only firmware mentioned, and other HP OEM drives with the same firmware appear to be missing these additional SMART parameters as well.

You can probably ask the seller to replace yours with a Dell OEM version - the one mentioned earlier in this thread with the CXM03D1Q firmware.

H1Q = HP
D1Q = Dell

Thanks for the inputs... :)
I will check with the seller once...
So I have a question. Is this normal? I mean the SSDs from Samsung are meant to be either HP or Dell OEM drives?
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