do not know the exact model since I had it disposed long back... While I was running both in parallel (dual os) noticably WD ran cooler and noise free when compared to the other. It may not be the fastest, but it boots my windows 8 (primary os) in less than a minute or just above few secs.
My current setup still has WD Green 500GB as the primary disk (its the only HDD in my PC now). My Windows 7 boot-up time from Post BIOS check to ready to use is almost SSD level at under 45 seconds. But the drive is horrible for any use that requires constant read/writes like browsers with multiple tabs, playing Audio/Video files, as it frequently freezes for 2-3 minutes. WHile playing games, etc, it does not freeze that much, maybe once in an hour or 2.
I am waiting for Seagate to approve my warranty support for India. It seems my failed Seagate HDD is a non AD US drive (no idea what Seagate means by "Non AD"), even though I bought it from Nehru Place, Delhi. :annoyed: