Is your Apple device leaking personal info?

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There have been multiple reports of various first as well as third party apps leaking your information to different data servers and search engines. IMO the best way to keep your Apple products secure is to NOT use those apps (an updated list can be found through Engadget, they conducted extensive research a little while back on this matter). One could also use secure browsing apps and/or proxies while surfing the web on Apple devices.
LOL... isn't it just as logical as any other platform? Be is iOS, Android, Symbian or even Windows... USER is responsible for what app they use and how they take care of their security.
Ehh so many links..

Dont have facebook app so no tension.. Any other famous app which leaks data ? Will uninstall them..
Pandora is another 'leaky' app. I guess any free community based entertainment service will try to make a profit by leaking user information.
Actually, whats the big deal even if they leak such info?!

"Some apps are also selling additional information to ad networks, including users' location, age, gender, income, ethnicity, sexual orientation and political views," according to the suit.

Its not that they are stealing our photos..making them nude and posting them online :P

In some ways it is good as the content providers are able to fine tune your experience and give you the best results. On the other hand, and think about this for a second, do you really want some anonymous server to carry every small bit of information about you? From your name and number to tracking your every move?

A very valid argument to that is that we voluntarily submit almost all that information to Google and Facebook. :) Note that the word here is voluntarily. Those apps are taking all the information behind our backs.
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