IT Company professionals anyone??

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ok, this is only for working IT professionals(ehem..or something else ;) )
others i humbly request to you to point your mouse on that x button on the top right corner of this internet explorer window and resume your other important work..
so coming back to the point,

hi all working buddies, i recently found in many posts most of the people mentioning abt the word 'company' and the difficulties there like proxy not working and some other ppl who were giving 'advice'..

May i know where and as what are you guys working for .. ;)

Please see that if by posting in this thread, if it violates the company rules, as you will be specifying that company name here, i'm extremely sorry for the queries..

Thanks n Regards,
Extn: ##### (:P)

Explosive Member
Err don't see whats wrong in posting the company you work for. Most peepz here know where I work anyway :P.

Microsoft Research
Now I'm not an "IT professional" :bleh: but since Archana aka BD asked so sweetly...:ohyeah: how can I refuse..

Mike "Lucifer" (btw Lucifer is my middle name cool ain't it ;) )

JDM, DIGIT (the mag dumbo's, heard if it :bleh: ??)


btw - nothings wrong with mentioning where u work, unless someone's ashamed :ashamed: .... well shame on them!!

There u go girl ;) now how bout that extension no??
@kk: u not working!! i thought u were somewhere... :S (and abt mob. why the heck do u need it.. lots of ppl at te have my mob no. only one or two use it for msg/call.. so after tat i don give away my mob no.s..... :( )
anyways so @vandal: u wud be getting digit mags for free na.. u can sponsor some gifts as digit mags/dvds right... :P
and @chaos you too..
but how do you bear all anti MS ppl!!!! ;)
@idiot: wat happened infy pune not so good???
bluediamond said:
@kk: u not working!! i thought u were somewhere... :S (and abt mob. why the heck do u need it.. lots of ppl at te have my mob no. only one or two use it for msg/call.. so after tat i don give away my mob no.s..... :( )
anyways so @vandal: u wud be getting digit mags for free na.. u can sponsor some gifts as digit mags/dvds right... :P
and @chaos you too..
but how do you bear all anti MS ppl!!!! ;)
@idiot: wat happened infy pune not so good???
Tell u wat maam... I'll send u a free mag in exchange for your number and the promise of not worrying ya by callin like crazzziee :ohyeah:
vandal said:
Tell u wat maam... I'll send u a free mag in exchange for your number and the promise of not worrying ya by callin like crazzziee :ohyeah:

Till the time you are comfortable with a annoying voice giving you a call in the middle of the night saying "Doooood.... remember me..." Give vandy the number :ohyeah:...
bluediamond said:
and @chaos you too..
but how do you bear all anti MS ppl!!!! ;)

Since no one from research writes any code that goes into products, I just do what other research folk do... overlook all the wankering :P.
Ohhh.... I thought you were too busy managing your M$ Bank Account and packing and unpacking for free trips all over the world :P...
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