IT Company professionals anyone??

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regenade2 said:
Me working in Infosys, Bangalore.
Many didn't believe this in the last TE meet:)

I was one of them :P .... Basically, I found it hard to think you were 23-24 or whatever..... I thought you were like one of us just studying or something :P
regenade2 said:
Me working in Infosys, Bangalore.
Many didn't believe this in the last TE meet:)

Man,working @Infosys...........must b reaaly straining....
Dont u get a break...........& go off to your Home back at AGARTALLA!

Ok.anyway......i do blv u!!!
Man,working @Infosys...........must b reaaly straining....

Dont u get a break...........& go off to your Home back at AGARTALLA!

Ok.anyway......i do blv u!!!

How do u know I am from Agartala!!!!!

Hey at Infy,its not at all that much straining n all....just some work here n there.

& Going home, I just been to home a month & half back :)

Me working at

RMD ( its a UK based comp offshore devlop. centre )


@blue : I think u should have modified the thread a bit. Working in which company and on what technology.
Hi dudes! took a while to dig out this thread..
Got placed at Infosys!!
But I will be an IT "professional" from next year :p
me in Virstra (subsidery of Neclues software) work for Jap client.
stay 6 months in india and 6 months in Japan-tokyo.
title - System admin...

good to know about others. planning to get settled in Tokyo / Singapore.
sexy locations and crazy people for techonology.

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