R rite Discoverer Jun 5, 2007 #1 Come on, nobody started a happy birthday thread for me. Anyway, better late than never, it is my happy birthday today, I don't mind if u wish me.:cool2: PS: I used TB jst to bring more traffic to my thread.hyeah:
Come on, nobody started a happy birthday thread for me. Anyway, better late than never, it is my happy birthday today, I don't mind if u wish me.:cool2: PS: I used TB jst to bring more traffic to my thread.hyeah:
C Checksum Explorer Jun 5, 2007 #3 Lol! like they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity anyway, wishing you a very happy b'day hope you are a bit wiser now that you are a year older :bleh:
Lol! like they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity anyway, wishing you a very happy b'day hope you are a bit wiser now that you are a year older :bleh:
hmasalia Forerunner Jun 5, 2007 #5 LOL! Happy Birthday dude! May God Bless you with everything that you need. Which Includes graphics cards,Expensive Coffee,Cooler CPU Temperatures,The Gurl of your dreamz & Most of all Wisdom & Common Sense Just Kidding my friend, have a fantastic birthday......... Yes my treat is due!!!!
LOL! Happy Birthday dude! May God Bless you with everything that you need. Which Includes graphics cards,Expensive Coffee,Cooler CPU Temperatures,The Gurl of your dreamz & Most of all Wisdom & Common Sense Just Kidding my friend, have a fantastic birthday......... Yes my treat is due!!!!
R RiO Forerunner Jun 5, 2007 #8 Happy birthday Akshay, I hope you get raped/molested in your quest for finding true love.
R rite Discoverer Jun 5, 2007 #9 @Rio, nw cn ur point come across in a more polite manner cz for a second i felt like abusing bigtime
R RiO Forerunner Jun 5, 2007 #10 LOL, c'mon who you're kidding... you sooo want that too. In fact, that must be your wish!
R rite Discoverer Jun 5, 2007 #11 dude, seriously man. i don't want that. i wud refuse a girl who wants to do anything like that to me. waise, my treat is due, rite?
dude, seriously man. i don't want that. i wud refuse a girl who wants to do anything like that to me. waise, my treat is due, rite?
R RiO Forerunner Jun 5, 2007 #13 rite said: waise, my treat is due, rite? Click to expand... Yes, free beer and weed - just buy a ticket to Bangalore.
rite said: waise, my treat is due, rite? Click to expand... Yes, free beer and weed - just buy a ticket to Bangalore.
R rite Discoverer Jun 5, 2007 #14 thanks mate, bt u offering beer and weed 2 a kid? huh arre main 2 bada bacha ho kar bhi nahi lunga. and u buy a ticket to delhi, and i treat in pizza hut, what say?
thanks mate, bt u offering beer and weed 2 a kid? huh arre main 2 bada bacha ho kar bhi nahi lunga. and u buy a ticket to delhi, and i treat in pizza hut, what say?
R RiO Forerunner Jun 5, 2007 #15 I'd like the sound of that if you make it pizza+beer, and I will be in Delhi sometime this August - you live in RK Puram?
I'd like the sound of that if you make it pizza+beer, and I will be in Delhi sometime this August - you live in RK Puram?
N nukeu666 Explorer Jun 5, 2007 #19 http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j85/kennykilgetty/happy-birthday-b**ch.jpg .............
R RiO Forerunner Jun 5, 2007 #20 rite, we're hosting a party for you on the IRC channel ALL DAY LONG. Drop by sometime.