Unfortunately that's not what I see, I don't come to a conclusion that easily, reading all the venom here from the past few months its clear as daylight. I rarely post in the general section of TE, let alone about parties unless something of national or international event happened, that effects me in one way or the other.No one is insane like you mentioned - it because of people like you who made it for Modi.
Most of the people here follow what is right should be declared Right, and what is wrong is always wrong, but Andh-Bhakt's (read Modi Bhakt's to make you feel better) don't see this.
JFK also said ask what you can do for the country and not what the country can do for you. Here people cannot even give up little bit of cheap chinese products. So I guess the only solution is for the government to ban or raise duties on chinese products.I'll try to explain to you the background - see if you can understand. When JFK said that US would put Man in space (USSR was leading the race) - US Government did all possible things (from using V2 Rocket Designer to all the possible things money bought), and they succeeded in it and beat the USSR - where do you see the same case happening for Aatma Nirbhar Bharat; if only announcements would have solved the challenges then I will be happy to listen to Modi and his Mann ki Baat.
US and USSR are where in a race and until the moon landing, the US lost virtually all space firsts, its due to patriotism, country first and sheer amount of spending on the space program that they where able to put a man in space.
If we try to put a man on moon, they will blame the government for spending money on it.
In India we hear comments like that's what they are paid too if a police or army person gets killed or injured. They say the same if people litter the road unnecessarily, I hear replies like that's the job for the road cleaners they are getting paid. I bet many will be happy to give the entire JKL and Arunachel pradesh to our enemies on a silver platter.
Its always easy to blame some one sitting at the top, but I attend defense expo and interact with companies that make defense stuff. Some of the stuff that we make like UAV are really not upto mark and when you interact with the people who made them, you will know why. They simply just vomit the theory they studied, on building it. Some of the UAV are pure joke, in terms of airframe. I have made better ones or should I say assembled better ones off the shelf or with custom parts from you guessed it china. When I put these across them politely and indirectly they where pissed, these are grads straight out of college working in public sector companies.
Read this to the end about the people working in these public sector companies like HAL, nothing to do with BJP or congress please read the below article ( You wonder why Dassult didn't want to touch HAL with a barge pole)

The Truth Hurts, Says Indian Navy's 1st Dhruv Flight Commander - Livefist
By Commander YASHODHAN MARATHE (Retd.) I’m a second generation helicopter pilot and have been flying rotary wing machines since 1989. Of course, the primary amount of flying has been on HAL built aircraft, the Chetak and the ALH and of course, the Kiran. I’m quite saddened by the slew of…

This isn't about what the loud mouth politicians say.But its lot better than the National government blaming the state governments - it's like Captain is blaming the individual for the team's dismal performance. I feel like laughing when Union Ministers were targeting Maharashtra CM, Delhi CM, Kerala CM and WB CM (cause they're in opposition in these states) - such low level of thinking the BJP has and you're expecting us to accept it blindly just because few Andh Bhakt's did (for the sake of the incentives they are getting) and still call us left-wing loonies - I feel very sorry for you.
I am talking about the people who wants to be anti-bjp so any policy that the government makes automatically they resist, not realizing India which also has the silent majority suffers. Like I said the people who where on the streets for CAA protest, I have said this before when I went to SP road near the town hall in bangalore, I saw some students who where returning from it, on a casual conversation, It was clear why they where protesting, they had zero logical points for their CAA protest vs my facts and they started shifted the topic to something else like demonetization or GST, It was clear they are there for because they hate modi for what ever reasons, just like some of the left wing democratic loonies in USA who hate trump and his every single policy.
Then go comment in that particular thread, don't bark on the wrong topic. In my family my dad hates modi he didn't vote for him in the previous election. I too would have not but when its comes to national security and defense which I feel is more important the BJP is clearly the better one. Like I said I have attended defense expos and because I am a defense enthusiast and since I do have relatives serving the country in the front line currently and have In laws who have served in 1965/1971wars and they clearly prefer the current government when it comes to national defense.Just wanted to highlight one problem to conclude with - Do you imagine the situation of people who supported their families through their small-time businesses or self-made people (not referring to billionaires), just go and see their situation in the vicinity of your home and then come back to tell us if the people bashing Modi (in this forum) are trolls or not.
Offcourse this a free country If anyone want to go ahead buy chinese products please do so, but don't come pissing on the people that don't or who wants to support their country in any form they can. In all my posts I never imposed other should stop buying, I only said that I wouldn't.
PS I had to google what is bhakt and what is Mann ki Baat. I do questions modi policy if needs be, certainly not happy about the governments both state and central post lock down measures or continuing to allow flights through march.
Hell I don't even listen to Modi or any politician because I do not understand the Hindi language , only if its made in english do I listen, that to If I come across the video randomly, the only time I listen to modi is if he makes a speech with a foreign leader or at ISRO or some defense facility or after a incident with pakis or the chinese, mostly I wait for english transcript ).
I still also blame the people of this country for spreading the virus, even now I get pissed if I see a online delivery guy not wearing a mask, or when a I see people spitting on the road or defying self quarantines or well established people traveling to their natives just for fun and spreading it there.