Italian teacher cuts off noisy kid's tongue

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Caffeine Addict
more fuel for the disciplinary action thread

Milan - An Italian teacher has been suspended by her school in Milan after cutting off the tongue of a lively 7-year-old child with a pair of scissors, daily Corriere della Sera reported Tuesday.

The boy has since had his tongue stitched back but is afraid to go back to school. His parents say he suffers nightmares and runs away whenever he sees a knife. They are now suing the school for damages.

The incident took place a week ago but was only reported on Tuesday.

According to Corriere, the 22-year-old substitute teacher threatened the child twice with a pair of scissors before actually chopping it off.

'Pull out your tongue. I'll cut it, and you'll no longer talk,' she was quoted as telling the child.

The teacher, who has only been identified by her initials R S, has since apologized, claiming it was an accident.

The school's principal, Anna Maria Dominici, has suspended the teacher and ordered an investigation, saying her conduct could in no way be excused.

From | Italian teacher cuts off noisy kid's tongue - Europe
Looks like there shud be an 'Anger/Stress Management' programme For everybody... might help in reducin such shameful incidents...
hmm the story is kinda comments ...., how the scissor landed in tHe kid's tongue is a mystery :S
How it landed there? Unless his tongue is a kilometer long runway with illuminated lights along the side I don't see how it could have accidently have landed there.
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