Italy v France (FIFA World Cup 2006)

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techie#1 said:
cummon bro nikhil,Hug me.......i simply can't stand alone what's happened today/2night..............& what u say is SO True!!!

Mayb all those who didn't win should unite,least we fall to a temporari level of maniac depression!
aaaah :D :D so you finally buried the hatchet?? And that too not in between my shoulder blades :D :D

@Switch ---- Dont give me bad news yaar.... I am eagerly waiting for the inventory to come back!!! I have been missing it ever since the admins removed it :( :( :'(

@everyone else ---- Zizou is GREAT. No doubt abt that. Me calling him a moron doesnt mean he is always a moron.... he just totally lost his mind at that second....god knows for what reason.

He is and was an amazing player(one of the best if not THE best of his era). But this thing is a major black spot on him. no one, and I mean NO ONE of his stature should end a glittering career in that way.

I feel absolutely depondent and depressed and dejected for him..... I mean, I am absolutely shattered.... If he had lost also, at least he would have got a standing ovation from the crowd. He would have ended his career with his head hel very very high. Leading a pathetic France team to the finals of the WC in which they were not expected to go beyond the group stage....

But I just feel bad for him.... Such a great player......
Its sad end to Zidane but i hope someone gave him big hug after the game.

We saw the end of the best player in 2 decades.

Even afer today he will always be knows as best player that played this worldcup. I know he wont win goldan ball after todays red card but he was the most inspiring player in this world cup.

No Frenchman will be mad at him. He is the reason they even reached final, he is the reason they went to the extra time. Without that outragious penalty france would have packed their bags early.

France was better team today, they created more chances. its sad they lost and its sad that things ended like this. But its part of the game.

Please dont call player like Zidane moron. He deservs so much more.
Switch said:
Well... In the end the more professional team won... Not the better... Part of the game... What really makes me sad is that Zidane left with a black patch on his carrier...

And to those who think losing nickels is a big issue... Well mark my words... It doesnt matter and time will tell you why... Thats all i have to say as of now...

Congratulations Itlay

Farewell Zidane :)

marked :lol:

well said but whatever zidane did was shameful for him, for his team and for the game of football. no denying the fact he is a great footballer but no one dreams of ending one's career like that. he should have kept his cool.

can't say which side was better. both were equally matched technically but italians looked more organized and that explains the result. i'd say a well deserved victory for the italians..way to go :clap:
itaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .
Adding to tifosi's post.....

I already have more heroes :P .... ROnaldinho, Henry, and now after this match Cannavaro, buffon, the list goes on.....



I am disappointed ONLY for Zidane's sake..... I still cant get over what he did.... I just cant.

Why would ANY guy do that in the FINALS of the WC!! And that too the captain of the team who has already scored!! ..... I just dont get it...

I am waiting for any future reports on that incident. Any investigation by FIFA, any explanations by Zizou....

Anyone comes across such news reports, please do post it !! I am very very eager to know what the heck happened there....

Obviously Zizou was pissed that the other Italian guy (Was it matterazzi ? ) held him... but after that, they spoke for a few secs and Zizou just headbutted him :O :O .... Why ?? What did he say ??

EDIT: @ maxguru ---- That third pic is not taken of the people celebrating after the WC win.... it must have been taken during some other match victory
Maxguru & every1 else of winning team,please dont add salt 2 the wound.We r alraedy SHATTERED 2ice, by France loosing what it rightfully deserved & more so,of HERO ZIDANE's unforseen EVIL exit.

maxguru,friend,it would be best 2 take out picture s of Italy's win on a VOLUNTARY basis from here! c & feel our situation.Take pity!!!
Hey techie, chill dude....

It is just a game :) . By next week, you would have forgotten all abt this :P .....

Do see it like you watched a very good game of football..... I am only shattered because of Zizou....
pity??? why pity?? bah!! did ya see how the french almost fell apart after zidane got a red card? bah!! !! .... and no one hits the bar better then zidane.. 6 inches was all the differnce!!!

calling zidane a moron ..well. doesnt go down well with us.. atleast not with me..

yes that was a huge mistake... agreed.. but he wasnt been a moron when he hit Marco Materazzi. there were def some words spoken... remember the mcgrath and shivnarain chanderpaul verbal fight which almost came to a physical assault.. ?? would ya call mcgrath a moron in that situation.. i wouldnt if someone abuses my wife!!!!!

zidane.. was the best player there ever was.. and would always be remembered a frenchman or woman would be angry at him.. he didnt disgrace his nation in anyway....yes this left mark on him.. but you cant take anything away from zidane.. nothing..

as far as italians are concerned.. it was destiny time for them!! yes destiny time!! wat saves by Gianluigi Buffon ... no wonder he is a 30 million dollar goal keeper!! phew!

no one mentioned.Andrea Pirlo. both goals(one was offside, header by luca toni).. was adjuded the man of the match... fittingly so!!

all in all a great game of football.. and well it was too good a game.. which would.. maybe.. sadly... be remember for zidane's headbutt :(
I had the same amt i think after i bet.
see how much i won..
hunt3r 975 11/4 (2.75) 2681
x86 700 11/4 (2.75) 1925

and its showing 1335 when i won 1925?? :( + mine left .
i had arnd 1335 left so nothing added i think.
Damn Zidane for screwing it all up.... and for what?? A bummer to all as far as I see...

This is so repeatative but yes even I wanted Italy to win too :) ... I put my nicks on France only for one Man... & looked like he was too bored running around after ball, I guess he tried to invent something new with that header right on the ground :P NO matter what rival commented that really was a bad thing!!

BTW, re-opened "Poison" really rocked! All kinda celebrities and then the crowd which likes to party... yupp Bandra knows how to party for sure!
Forza Azzuri.

Forza Milan.

I couldnt watch the match as was down with Cold and Fever.

But I hope to recover soon now :D.We have finally performed to our potential.

Its a pity that grosso is moving to Inter instead of Milan.

We have the best and most expensive goalie in the world and he showed why (He cost Juventus 43 Million Pounds!! from Parma).

Now I can proudly say.

Viva La Italia.Campionas La World Cup 2006!!!!!!!

Just hope Milan dont relegated after all this.Maybe the Italian Board should forgive all in the betting scandal after the fabulous victory for us.

Forza Italia, Always.
damn, i lost my mood and went to sleep when France lost:'(. I dont care for my Nickels, but bah y did Zidane do some thing like that:cry:.

yeeehee!! italy won! good match in the end. but still have no idea wtf zidane was doing. such a great player ending his career in a pathetic note.

ps : at last won some nickels!
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