wow :clap: ss2 was really good :cool2:Chaos said:Whoa... I hope its a worthy successor to SS2. That one was one of the creepiest games i've ever played.
Deus Ex on the PC garnered enough rave reviews and enough Game of the Year awards that it's really kind of incredible, even to those of us who sweated blood to make the game! And now we're putting the finishing touches on Deus Ex for the Playstation 2.
DX on the PS2? Trust me when I say a lot of people thought we were insane when we embarked on that project!
"You can't squeeze a game like DX onto a console -- it's too big," they said.
"First-person perspective games don't sell on consoles -- you have to go third-person," they said.
"Console gamers want more action, less thinking and more linear gameplay -- and brighter colors," they said.
"That's a lot of hooey," we said. "Gamers are gamers. Gamers want great games -- end of story."
We went into the project hoping we were right and that the naysayers were wrong!
Now that we're in the closing days of the project, I'm happy to report that, from a creative standpoint, at least, we WERE right. DX is up and running on a PS2 and we didn't have to make any significant compromises to make it work. Not only did the team manage to bring over every location, every character, every line of dialogue, every character-development option, every conspiratorial plot twist and every genre-bending, playstyle choice and problem-solving option but we were able to make some enhancements to the original game.
We increased the poly counts on all of our character models and most of the objects in the game. We touched up the geometry of every single map and replaced some of the ones we weren't entirely satisfied with the first go-round. We generated all-new cinematics for the intro and the game's multiple endgames. We reworked the color-balance of all the graphics to make the game look even better. We got a live orchestra to record a new theme song that sounds totally awesome.
Oh, and let's be clear about one thing: We knew we couldn't just use a console controller to emulate a mouse and keyboard. We knew we had to rework the interface completely and that's just what we did -- we ripped the PC interface right out and started from scratch. In the end, miraculously, the team was able to come up with an interface that didn't compromise any of the functionality of the PC version. When you play the PS2 version of DX, you'll find some dramatically streamlined interface screens. And you'll find controls designed specifically for the PS2 controller -- controls that may even be more intuitive and easier than the PC controls. The new interface package looks like, works like and plays like a console game because it IS a console interface.
But all of that -- enhanced graphics, orchestral scores, even an all-new interface -- is just gravy. What about the meat? What about the gameplay?
Well, that's the coolest thing of all. The gameplay is all there, in both versions of the game. Deus Ex was, in a lot of ways, unlike any game anyone had ever played on a PC and it's equally unlike any game anyone's played on a console. Deus Ex is a unique combination of first-person shooter, stealth game, adventure game and role-playing game (it even includes some strategy game elements!). It's all about player expression and player choice: What kind of character do YOU want to create? How do YOU want to solve the problems the development team throws at you? Are you a fighter, a stealthy guy, a hacker, a talker or some combination of all of those? Deus Ex, more than any other game you've ever played, allows YOU to decide all that.
And THAT is an approach to gameplay that has nothing to do with platforms. It isn't a "PC idea" or a "Playstation 2" idea -- it's simply a gameplay idea that we think will please players regardless of platform. And we made no compromises in bringing that idea to the PS2. None.
Before we shipped the PC version, none of us knew how players would respond to such a radical new approach to gameplay. (Luckily, a lot of gamers gave us a big thumbs up!) Now, we're biting our fingernails, worrying about how a whole new audience will like it. We truly believe our approach to gameplay represents the future of gaming. Give the game a shot and tell us if we're right...
LOL just read that.params7 said:noodbidied disaster?
Who to trust, you or the Deus Ex's developer?
It just so happens even gamespot rates the ps2 and xbox port all 8.0. In addition to that Ps2 as another Deus Ex title, the conspiracy, and it has recieved the best score any Deus Ex game on PC has, an 8.1.
Well looks to me, Ps2 is the platform to get if you want more of Deus ex with a little sacrifise of high end reso's. Not enough for you ofcourse but the majority, yeah.
We want to make a game where a walkthrough is useles