I think it's time people should realize (through this RTX demo) how bang average Half Life 2 was back in the day, despite the 'staged' universal acclaim, just because it was a Valve game. The game does not AT ALL hold up in 2025.
The original, released in 1998, was revolutionary for the time it came in. But HL2 was just more of the same, which was the primary reason why HL3 (or HL2 EP3) does not exist today (according to developer diaries). Valve didn't innovate and the series unfortunately suffered a fatal fall. It was clear the company focused more on Counter Strike as their opus magnum going forward.
We had Halo 2 come out in the same year as HL2 and that game was miles more enjoyable, even today. Not to mention, games released just a year later in 2005, such as FEAR and Call of Duty 2, are still revered for their gameplay and graphics. These three FPS games were far better and innovative than what HL2 could only dream to achieve.