iTunes Help / iPOD Touch Backing up

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Guys i need to reinstall my windows and i am a bit worried about my itunes and ipod touch. The problem is after window reinstall, i need to add (i keep all in a folder) all songs to newly installed itunes as well as do the same with apps also and then Sync my ipod. But i have done a lot of editing in my playlist from itunes (like adding lyrics etc.) so they will all be cleared as well as(i think) all the apps on ipod will also reinstall after the sync so i will loose all saved games also. It will be hell time consuming as well as i will loose a lot of data also. Is there any way i can completely replicate my ipod's all itunes files and then on one click it all get placed in itunes so that it my just check and dont sync with all info of my songs remaining as such. :huh: :huh: :huh:
File>>Library>>Export Playlist.
Save this file and after the reinstall make sure the folder has the same drive name it earlier had.
Then do File>>Library>>Import Playlist. All done :)

As far as my experience, all the modifications like album art I did were intact (although no idea about lyrics).
techno_funky said:
File>>Library>>Export Playlist.

Save this file and after the reinstall make sure the folder has the same drive name it earlier had.

Then do File>>Library>>Import Playlist. All done :)

As far as my experience, all the modifications like album art I did were intact (although no idea about lyrics).

I did that but maybe it wont work with lyrics,,,,,,BTW, what will happen to my apps and vids??
Backup your iTunes folder , it'll be there in your My Music folder i think. Just look it up around there, that folder stores all your apps etc. Unless you set it to import data , the music should be wherever you store data. If it is set to import then it should be under My Music\iTunes i think.
Do following things :

1. Copy the itunes folder in My Music section in my documents : This has all the apps .

2. When you have added the lyrics the song in which you have added will be there in the folder you made the play list with.

3. Back up the playlist .

All done . I did this 2 weeks back . Also , Dont forget to Unthorise the computer . :)
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