Japod batteries from Dealextreme- How reliable?

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^^ Doesn't 'look' very reliable.....

BTW, I think that the Nokia BL-5CA is interchangeable with the Nokia BL-4C battery. So, if u need 1020 mAh capacity, get the BL-5C from Nokia....

Afterall, Nokia is more reliable than 'Japod'...... Name itself is funny.....!!! :P Looks like a JApanese offspring of the iPOD.....!!! Lolzzz

^ Thanks for the opinion. But I am looking for real user reviews. Site has good reviews, but it can be fake.
vijaycool said:
Read the replies for Japod battery in deal extreme. It looks comparable to Original nokia as per the user commens.
Yes, that prompted me to order one. Even if it last for 8-10 months, I am fine.
^ Its a small pack, there won't be any customs etc. I have ordered many items from Dealextreme and never been charged any duty.
Got mine today finally! :P Ordered on October 24th and was shipped on October 27th. So it took almost 50 days to reach me! :( But items I purchased after this had reached me much earlier. :P Anyway will post the results after few days.



Really rock bottom prices even if the charge holds for a year.
Waiting for a review from any of the users. Maybe then I can order a BL 5K for a N 85.
Do they accept debit cards ?
^ Will post the feedback after using it for few days. :)

You will need a Credit Card, Indian debit cards won't work with Paypal or for online international transactions (without VBV/MSC)
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