PC Peripherals Just another UPS suggestion thread!!

Gdn - TD

Guys, I just bought a new graphic card, ATI MSI 5770 but unfortunately, my UPS isn't able to handle the power fluctuations when this card is used. Power fluctuations are really bad at my place. The current UPS is around 500VA and I'm thinking of going for a 1KVA. The shop-keeper said its more than 3k. But I wanna be sure that it will solve my problem. My config is

Q6600 proc,

Corsair VX450W smps,

Abit IP35-Pro board,

MSI 5770 card.

2 x 250GB HDDs

CM690 cabby.

Let the gyan flow!! Save me!!
1 KVA can handle max 600-700 W depending on the UPS efficiency.
IMHO 1 KVA will be enough for your rig, but if still want more go with 1.5 KVA
Thanks for the assurance. I was also thinking of going for a 1KVA option. Got any suggestions for a best value for money brand?
Na, APC 1.1KVA is actually Rs.4750 now.

I just tried running the system without the UPS. Weirdly, it didn't restart even once. The PSU is able to handle the fluctuation without any help from the UPS. But I'm just worried whether this might affect the PSU in the long run. The fluctuation usually ruins the UPS and I warranty them almost every year.

So, my question is, how good are the chances of my PSU getting affected if I don't use an UPS?
The 1.1 KVA is cheaper, but the 1KVA is around 6.5k :p Just bought it last week.

It's better you use a UPS, you might be risking the PSU and other things like the HDD unnecessarily.
Q6600 = 105W

abit pro = 90 W ( bit on aggressive side)

GPU 1GB MSI 5770 = 230 W

HDD = 10 W

Total = 435W. This is near your PSU max output. so it does mean that you are riding on the brink. Research articles on power efficiency curves for PSU.

For your psu http://www.silentpcreview.com/article751-page1.html

I've read on apc forums that G series is based on new design Power-Saving Back-UPS Pro 900 230V

Be warned this is stepped sine wave and may not be compatible with PFC PSU.

APC does claim that firmware and hardware upgrades with newer generation UPS have better compatibility with PFC PSU.

However PFC PSU has no trouble with sinewave apc ups smart series.
Try Powercom 600 VA!! Been using it for last 2 year!! No problem till now!! Was handling my 4850 5770 and 5850 now!! Have used the following PSU's VIP 750w, Corsair 450W, Cooler master 550w!! Its all at 1400 bucks from Pune!! Have suggested many friends and they too have not faced any problem till now!! To add to the fact i just bought one for my friend yesterday!!
Ok then, I guess I'll go for either APC 900 Pro or APC 1.1KVA, depending on the price. By the way, I heard that there is a new brand in town called BPE and they are providing a 1KVA UPS for Rs.2,750. Anyone has any experience with this brand?