'Just one hour listening to an MP3 player can damage hearing'.

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Just one hour listening to an MP3 player can damage hearing, study finds | Mail Online

Just one hour's listening to an MP3 player can damage hearing, claim scientists.
It causes temporary changes in hearing sensitivity which may lead to long-term harm, according to a new study.
The findings show over-stimulation of hair cells within the ear occurs even at varying volume levels for short periods of time.
The European Commission has warned up to 10 per cent of 30-year-olds would have to wear a hearing device within the next decade because they listen to music too loudly through headphones.
Hearing experts recommend the 60/60 rule - listening to MP3 players for no more than 60 minutes at a time at 60 per cent of maximum volume.
1. 1 Hour of listening to MP3 damages hearing.

2. Using Cell Phone radiation causes Cancer.

3. Coco-Cola has pesticides.

4. KurKure is one Molecule away from plastic.

5. Tooth paste contains bone Powder so how much is it vegeratian?








I am just happy to see how healthy we all are even after lotsa Cola, Toothpaste, MobilePhones, MP3 players and eating plastic etc. etc.

Scientists are too mad these days instead of inventing stuff they are discovering stupid stuff through stupid discoveries.WTF do they mean by 60% volume.I never have to go above 40% of volume .
^^exactly...its different in different players and with different earphones....in many cases it is impossible to hear at 60%
Does listening to MP3 player alone makes you damage hearing what about people exposed to loud noises in industries ??
^^ Industrial area, Airports, Even Indian train stations, Indian Traffic lights, and our beloved "parting" are very loud indeed, its crazy the amount of noise pollution we all are used to in our country, I even find it hard and annoying to adjust to even car horns on the roads here, it is as tough everyone here as lost their patience but who am I to complain, with time even my horn has become my best friend. And worst of all Honking in India doesn't even stop completely at nite.

We are in an age where I am sure each one of our technological advancements will have some or the other draw back it is put to us as the consumer or as the human race to decide and dictate what we are okay with and what we are not. Technology will keep on advancing it is up to us how we use it, and we all know this from so so many instances in history. These are not really my words but of every wise man I believe.


PoBoy said:
There isn't much to disagree about in this article, it lists a lof of things that you would assume ppl are aware of already.

However what's not clear is whether the temporary changes caused by listening for an hour lead to permanent damage ? For example...

Hearing tests were carried out before and after the exposure, which found 'significant threshold or emission shifts were observed between almost every session of the noise exposure group compared with the control group'.
Why not also make additional tests a day later or a week after instead of only after the listening session. Where is the demonstration of any lasting effects here ?

'Further research is needed to evaluate the long-term risk of cumulative recreational noise exposures.'
Exactly, this test as it is is inconclusive.
Read this somewhere a long time back.
Smoking reduces 5 mns from your life.
Smiling adds 7 mns to your life.

So keep smiling while smoking, you will live long!!!
I am sure some would come with a statistic saying, walking on the road, increases your chances of accident by x%.

I mean there is no end to such useless facts. We are all gonna pop off one day. Might as well enjoy the remaining time, by listening to MP3 Players, Watching TV, Eating Plastic (kurkure), Drinking Acidic Pesticide and what not.
Sitting on TE an extra hour every day increases your chances of being single for a long time

Hahaha.. found this one too.. damn funny... ..



wait a min...

Infected said:
1. 1 Hour of listening to MP3 damages hearing.

2. Using Cell Phone radiation causes Cancer.

3. Coco-Cola has pesticides.

4. KurKure is one Molecule away from plastic.

5. Tooth paste contains bone Powder so how much is it vegeratian?








I am just happy to see how healthy we all are even after lotsa Cola, Toothpaste, MobilePhones, MP3 players and eating plastic etc. etc.

somehow I feel .. some of these studies are pure business gimmicks. A MBA-marketing friend once said - "Brush you teeth twice" this propaganda has increased sales volume of toothpaste and brush (they need to be replaced sooner).
mk76 said:
somehow I feel .. some of these studies are pure business gimmicks.
They are based on statistics. Normalise the whole population ignoring those outside the middle of the bell curve, because they are in the minority and won't skew the results.

What is wrong with this approach ?
I donnt know anything about the accuracy of the studies, but, the rs99/- senmai iem's will sure do some damage and also lower your sq expectations.
mk76 said:
somehow I feel .. some of these studies are pure business gimmicks. A MBA-marketing friend once said - "Brush you teeth twice" this propaganda has increased sales volume of toothpaste and brush (they need to be replaced sooner).
OT: Nice siggy dude... innovative! :)
I donno why we call these stupid things as research. I mean these so called research studies are getting stupid day by day.

Well these are facts
- Coco-Cola has pesticides.
- KurKure is plastic.

But : 1 Hour of listening to MP3 damages hearing. WTF!!!

I listen to my PMP for more 2 hrs a day. By the above logic, I should be deaf or for that matter many ppl who do. But, they can hear clearly, so can I.

If we take it seriously, following is what I infer:

-iPod and the likes should be banned coz they are the reason ppl are deaf. Apple should go bust coz their hyped ipod is dangerous.

-FM channels should go bust.

-Singers should stop making good songs and albums. Coz we will hear to it for more than 1 hour and will get our hearing damaged permanantly.

-Awards like Grammy, Oscars for Sound, Sound editing etc should be banned coz they are rewarding ppl for making ppl deaf.

-Audio zone in TE should be banned coz it is promoting deafness. (The contributing members of the Audio zone forum must have tie-ins with ear drop, hearing aids etc companies.)

I refuse to take bullshit as research.
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