Car & Bike Kerala High court suggests ban of wearing saree on two wheelers

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Wearing sari and riding pillion?

Don Sebastian

Sunday, August 24, 2008 04:10 IST

Kerala HC wants women pillion riders to sit astride

KOCHI: The Kerala High Court has suggested the central and state governments to make it mandatory for women pillion riders to sit astride. The governments may even bar women from wearing sari or other loose dress to prevent accidents, the court observed while hearing an appeal against a Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal order. The Centre has been asked to see if it could amend the Motor Vehicles Act (MVA) in this regard. Both the governments must reply to the court within six weeks.

A division bench comprising Justice CN Ramachandran Nair and Justice VK Mohanan, while hearing an appeal for higher compensation by an accident victim, Susamma Thomas from Kollam, observed Friday that women pillion riders who sat sideways were more prone to falls when the two-wheelers twisted and turned on potholes-infested roads. This posture even increased the risk of accidents.

Read Complete article here:

DNA - India - Wearing sari and riding pillion? - Daily News & Analysis

Welcome move if Implements - my opin ;)
lol.. look now we gotta see south indian girls/women wearing dress/skirt/jeans while on bike :P ahh watta show it wud be as ive seen those in saree's only ;)
..and atleast in kerala(travancore-cochin) , only older women wear sarees :D .most of the 30+ married women prefers chudidar to saree's. and yes ,it is very orthodox in tamil nadu/andhra/karnataka/goa where women still wear sarees commonly :|
Just about how many "laws" does a nation require for it to behave like a civilized one? And of what verities?

Judiciary should focus more on clearing millions on pending case files, rather than putting unimaginable kind of restrictions on the society.

What's next - "Sneezing and farting in public places to be outlawed"?
LOL ! but it is indeed ,after kerala HC forces Police to implement Helmet law that the change happened atleast in ,I see only college kids(show off/posers) ,and some tamilian milkmen who are not wearing helmets.

Saree's are a silent killer with careless middle-aged women who travels as pillions and caught in the hands of death.although ,now unlike 10-15 years ago ,"family" travel in motorcycles are very low ,still the problem exists.
This is the problem here. Even when judiciary system makes some good practical changes based on scientific facts, even then people think them as restriction and say they should be doing something better.

Well guess what, this is part of that SOMETHING BETTER. Its a well known fact that travelling like that is dangerous for those who travel like this and to others as well. So stop cursing govt and judiciary system when they actually do something good.
The govt. needs to make laws, because people are extremely stupid, ignorant and morons. They are stuck in the archaic mindset, I mean cmon how bloody stupid can one be to ride or pillon ride wearing a 9 yard long dress...

I have seen a young couple die because the girl's chunni got stuck in the tyres of a two wheeler.
Its stupid IMO. At the most, they could advise people to be careful with their sarees (or lungis).

What shall we see next, Kerala high Court recommends banning motorbikes because of accidents?

In stead of ratifying yet another law and start fining everyone for not conforming, isn't it better to educate people about the risks involved?

Once I was talking to a Delhi DCP/Traffic, and commented on MVA thus: "It is almost impossible for the common man to ride a bike or drive a car on Indian roads without breaking a law or two."

Punishment will leave you humiliated, not educated.
To be honest these are just excuses. People wont change unless they are forced to do so. Humiliation works, trust me on this. It really works sometimes.

And what does the traffic rules have to do with this? Thats different issue.

Some basic self discipline is required for everything to work. And this is safety regulation/suggestion. Not a traffic rule. Its done to protect the people only. It is as important regulation as the helmet regulation if you ask me.

People have to change with changing times. You are travelling in 21st century on a mode of transportation that was popularized in 20th century. And if you want that, you have to give up a bit on your millennia old tradition. Its a compromise. You are free to choose.

And its SHRIPAD. I is not equal to EE. ;)
Huh? Who made a law for saris? Its just a damn suggestion :| not necessary that it has to be implemented.

In the meantime,

The point is, way more people die cause of stupid road than by these sari problems..Just a awareness drive for the same is enough..

Where as, strict action is needed for govt apathy regarding roads and general problems like these..
Correction:-Education works, Humiliation brings in the urge to revenge and they do this by breaking further laws..This is what compels some stupid ppl to break these laws..While laws against speeding cant be removed, issues such as these should not be solved by way of implementing laws..
Humiliating people to make them follow rules is crooked mentality..:@

Its just another tool in the hand of your friendly neighborhood policeman to harass you and the women of your house...

"Hey missy, you wearing a sare/chunni, take it off or pay 200rs.."
Senseless, to say the least..
Shripad said:
People wont change unless they are forced to do so.
This is a democracy, right? In a democracy, it's the people, and not a handful of elitist bureaucrats or technocrats, who make the laws and rules.

More people die because of thunderbolts strikes in rainy season than because of sarees. Are thunderbolts to be outlawed too? Why leave flood, diseases and other natural calamities out of the equation?

And who gives shiite about hundreds of people dying in different parts of this country because of govt's negligence and lack of security? If banning every cause is the only solution, judiciary and governments should ban themselves.

Shripad said:
And its SHRIPAD. I is not equal to EE. ;)
Sorry about that. :ashamed: :P
^^ thats just plain irrelevant comparison :P

And I can assure you, if you go out to do the statistics, you will find more people dying because of the improper clothing on bikes and ricks than thunderbolts. Its one of the major causes of accidents. I have seen freak accidents happen in front of my eyes because of sarees and dupattas.

Its a democracy. I suggest you read the definition of democracy and freedom. None of it means free will. It does not exist. And we are a intelligent species and a society. If Free Will existed, we would be savage animals and not humans.

Blaming government for everything is just being ignorant. Judiciary system, laws, rules, regulations are there for the benefits of society and not to cater personal wishes of 1 person. We have made this system to make and enforce laws. Its not upto an individual to make a law or to judge it. And this is not a case of unfair treatment of people. Its simple suggestion which actually makes sense.

Leave aside your personal grudge against the SYSTEM and think logically. Its a clear hazard to travel on open vehicle with loose cloths like sarees and dupattas. This has nothing to do with anything else.
^ So that's why cigarettes comes with a funny warning printed on? Why doesn't the government ban alcohol, cigarettes, bidi and gutkha with immediate effect?

Reason: revenue. Profit FTW!!111!!

Rules, laws and this rotten system exist only for the benefit of a selected few, not the whole society. These swines should focus more on improving the infrastructure than ratifying a bunch of stupid, meaningless laws every month.
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