Car & Bike Kerala High court suggests ban of wearing saree on two wheelers

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Its a democracy. I suggest you read the definition of democracy and freedom.

Freedom may refer to:

Freedom (philosophy)
Freedom (political), the absence of interference with the sovereignty of an individual by the use of coercion or aggression
Liberty, the condition in which an individual has the ability to act according to his or her own will
Economic freedom

@Funky:- Do you or do you not agree that there are a lot better things that can be done before coming to such drastic steps..??

The govt cant just penalize the people on everything while the corrupt ministers launder money!!! What abt the roads?? the erratic signals?? The non-existent public transport?? and the corrupt policemen..Let alone city and road planning..
If anyone wanna kill themself by drinking or smoking its their choice. They are harming themselves and their family.

When on road, you can harm yourself and other innocent people. Thats the difference. There is already ban on public smoking, tv advertisement, banner adverts of alcohol and tobaco products these days.

When it comes to road accedents, you dont get second chance. infrastructure does not improve overnight. It takes time, money. And that too on a scale of our nation where 80% people dont even pay income tax :P

If you hate the system so much, try to change it. How many people actually do something more than just cursing the system? If you care that much, enter the system to change it. Are you ready to do that?

One of my very close friends was like this, there are 2-3 te members that I know who have entered this ROTTEN SYSTEM and made it their profession to do something good and constructive. Do something like that if you want to do something productive and for benefit of all :P
Party Monger said:

Dont quote Wiki m8. And even on that page, I hope you read till the last sentence.

When your freedom can cause harm to others, its not a freedom ;)

Also do some reading on Parliamentary democracy. Thats what we have here. freedom and free will are two different things. And you can have both with limitations. "AS LONG AS" are 3 big words.
Ah, so you're Funky. :lol: I didn't notice. :P

I think we'll just agree to disagree. Parliamentary democracy doesn't work. How many people in this country are aware of the lawmaking process, or even the laws that these corrupt elitists keep churning out at an outstanding pace? Did everyone agree with POTA when it came into effect, and suddenly change their opinion when it was scrapped?

If smoking and drinking is to be allowed in the name of freedom, why is suicide still illegal in this country? By committing suicide, someone is causing harm to himself and his family - not others, just as in case of smoking or drinking. Reason: the British, our former lords, were mostly Catholics, and it's a sin to commit suicide in Christianity. OTOH, in old traditional civilization like ourselves and Japan, it's a respectable way of departing from this mortal world. Hint: Jainism, Buddha, Rama and his other three brothers, Krishna, samadhi, nirvana.

Bottom line: most of the laws are just stupid and irrelevant. "A Constitution should be short and obscure" - Napoleon.

I do want to change this system, but not by making an entry into the same. You don't cure a disease by getting infected yourself, do you? I want this system and its followers quarantined - forever.
I know what freedom means..Your freedom ends where the other person's nose begins.

But you are selectively choosing the points to reply on instead of replying to all of them.:P
Party Monger said:
But you are selectively choosing the points to reply on instead of replying to all of them.:P

lol i was quoting your entire post, but remember you had put defs in quotes. and only thing outside the quote reflects when you quote someone in vbulletin :P
And what does change the system ourself mean?? Are all those corrupt officers relieved of their sins if i dont choose to go into the govt??
Its just a way devised by those people to make people like us shut their mouth..

Fine all us one billion people want to change the system..make space and posts for us!!!!

@Funky:- Do you or do you not agree that there are a lot better things that can be done before coming to such drastic steps..??

The govt cant just penalize the people on everything while the corrupt ministers launder money!!! What abt the roads?? the erratic signals?? The non-existent public transport?? and the corrupt policemen..Let alone city and road planning..
Was edited in a few
Don't think banning dresses are a solution (especially when its connected with cultural factors).

Don't know, but, can't vehicles have wheel guards or something - only while people are traveling in sarees ?

People, if stupid enough, will get accidents even if they wear churidars /jeans - they will find a way out for it.

Ask Kerala Govt. where much touted Speed lock on pvt. buses are ?

This type of silly laws will create opportunities for police men to take more bribe.

Majority of accidents in Kerala is caused by over speed, bad roads and carelessness.

This law will make people feel oppressed and achieves nothing - will just allow police take more bribe and harass people.

And in a place like Kerala where people are more sensitive, this law won't be passed I think - they will do a strike and harthal together and solve it :)
Only 1 in 10 people in Chennai used to wear a helmet till a few months ago.

When the helmet rule was enforced, you now see only 1 in 10 without

I do not have any stats to prove that this has caused a reduction in the number of fatal road accidents in Chennai but am willing to bet my a$$ that it drastically did cause a reduction. In fact 3 days ago a young guy from my team skidded on his bike while trying to save a cat that darted across the road.

He fell and went skidding to be stopped by his head hitting a TATA Sumo in front. It's thanks to the enforced regulation he was wearing a helmet because he did not even have a helmet till the rule was enforced

Living in a democracy does not mean an individual can do whatever please him/her (thats anarchy, not democracy)

For better or worse, the govt. needs to step in to fix things up once in a while.

This is a welcome move and anyone who claims upholding their millennia old tradition is more important than their safety (and of people arnd them) is free to stop using a two wheeler and walk/use public transport/use a car

Anyone who feels otherwise is free to vote out the govt. in the next election but that wouldnt change the fact that it's people of his/her ilk who prevent this nation from rising as rapidly as it should

PS A few months ago, a girl riding pillion on a bike got her dupatta entangled in the rear wheel of the bike she was on.

The bike skidded and fell, I was right behind that bike driving at 50 just 20 mtrs behind. God forbid what'd have happened if I wouldnt have been able to brake in time.... Because of her stupidity, she not only put her safety, but also my sanity at stake
superczar said:
Anyone who feels otherwise is free to vote out the govt. in the next election but that wouldnt change the fact that it's people of his/her ilk who prevent this nation from rising as rapidly as it should

1. As per the MVA act, it is required for every two-wheeler to sport rear view mirrors, saree guard and crash bars. Riding without these protections is a punishable offense. CMV #123 makes it very clear. Why is it that we need another law for the same? That's just stupid!

2. If masses are supposed to be stupid enough, that for their safety from the law of natural selection we must procreate innumerable laws, what sense does it make relying upon the same idiotic people for formation of the government? And if elected representatives are almost as stupid, how can we rely upon their abilities for selection of intelligent bureaucrats and judicial officers?

3. If the number of people killed by saree-wearing, stupid, ugly women is significantly higher than those killed in J&K every year, I whole-heartedly support this motion. Otherwise, these scums are better off solving more serious problems than just sitting in their luxury chairs, sipping coffee paid for by the people and wasting time on such matters. IMO, government is trying too hard to make everyone buy a car. Tata Nano is at our doorstep already, isn't it?

4. Thanks for revealing the secret of development to a moron like me. Never knew it was directly proportional to the number of redundant laws, rules and regulations in the constitution. :)

I call for at least a hundred such new laws every day. We'll be a superpower pretty soon this way. Hooooooray!!!
Prole73 said:
Don't know, but, can't vehicles have wheel guards or something - only while people are traveling in sarees ?

I was thinking on the same lines, ie a practical level rather than the legal.

For as long as i know, there isn't really that sizeable a risk if the woman is riding on a scooter is there.

The real danger is when the vehicle has exposed spokes of a wheel, ie a motorocycle.

Sari's aside, pillion is safer with legs astride as there is less danger to toppling over.

A more cunning way of implementing this law would be to fine pillion riders unless its legs astride

who said anything bout sari's :)
Those who think that the police men wont use it to harass the women are really naive..Stop thinking just abt yourself..

The point is not JUST abt this law..The point is, are the resources well spent??

If you list out the number of accidents due to various issues, i bet this would come in the last 10percent the top 50% will be due to apathy of the govt in connection to roads, city planning and a non existent public transport system..
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