Budget 0-20k Keyboard mouse gaming for couch


I am going to build my gaming pc this year and move to that from my ps4 pro .. I have been a console gamer all my life and the move to pc is strictly driven by a desire to play at 4k 60 fps at high to ultra settings which isn't possible on ps5.. I mostly game on my tv or projector

I have a couple of ds4 and Xbox controllers which will be my goto controllers for most of the games... However I want to have the option of a keyboard and mouse from my watching chair as well...

Is there any cheap solution(2k) like a laptop table without the legs or anything that can be used for keublard and mouse.. kept and removed easily
This would have been the best solution, unfortunately not available in India and seems expensive as well. Would've grabbed one for myself otherwise!
Thank you any personal experiences or feedback?
I have a similar table as @gourav and use it in the same way. Your call to go for one without legs, but having foldable legs allows me to work while sitting on the couch, bed etc.

No experience with any of the shared links unfortunately.
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