Party Monger said:It doesnt Uncompress to a full game image!!!!
Dude!!! Its called a mini image!!!
Its just like a shadow copy, It doesnt hav the full dvd jus pretends that it has..THese are *.mds files...They are used to fool securedisk and other protection methods...
Use daemon and load it, then run something from it..Ul know what i mean..
There is a script which when run makes windows see it as a full image, and hence even explorer reports as 4gb(or whatever size of original disk)
If 4gb compressed to 1mb then people wouldnt be downloading 30gb high def movies!!!!
Huff..Dont just believe what your eyes see..reason it out...
@prabs:-what are the contents of the archieve??
And kgb is the most worthless archiver out there, better than that is uharc compressor, its used to compress game rips..Me once got a hitman blood money rip of 200mb just outta curiosity, decompressed to 2.4
please dont comment without actually having used something.
kgb does indeed compress stuff to wayy more insane levels than anything else including UHARC which btw is really really 'ancient'...
i am pretty confident that the 1mb file being referred to ehre is not a ghost/mini image since i have myself used kgb wen i got hold of an ahem copy of kotor2.. that was something like 2 megs..
also.. video compression is another matter all together.. which is why u dont find stuff like winrar/zip being used to compress movies.. the algorithms and techniques required for the same are very very different.