Graphic Cards Kind of an old question but....

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If you can get the powercolor closer to 10k that will be a decent price but at 11k when a PCIE 7600 GT is available for the price id rather not spend that much. Id save up some more and buy a PCIE motherboard instead.
I'm now also getting a GeForce 6800GS for about the same price (256MB). He said it was a "Big GeForce 6800GS", and when I asked whether it was XFX or BIG, he was not sure. He did quote another XFX 6800 card for 18k.

The question is, does BIG even manufacture a GeForce 6800GS? Or is it just an XFX card?
a brand new XFX 6800 GS for 11K is just abt ok.... try to bargain a bit though...

But since you want an AGP card, your choices are limited. For 11K, that is still quite decent.

If it is BIG, stay away......
Doesn't BIG make only mid-range and low-end cards (like 6200/6600/7300/7600 and the like) with its own branding?

And can you educate me on why BIG is so bad?
No particular reason..... have heard lots of bad opinions abt BIG cards..... Only the BIG 6600 GT were ok.... coz they were BFG OEM.

Rest of BIG cards are crap.
I got BIG 7900GT and its working like a charm, i could OC it took great levels and get a stable result. See my rig for the OC'ed clocks. I know BIG isnt a Big name but well this 7900GT i got for 18k from them and its working great.....

akS !
Now I'm getting PowerColor Radeon X800GTO for 9.7K and a GeForce 7600GT (brand not confirmed) for about 10.7k. Are these prices fair for AGP cards?

Well, I'm not sure about the 7600, as the dealer messed up with PCIe and AGP cards a bit later, and since 7600GT AGP has just arrived in the USA, I'm pretty sure it was PCIe....

Well, for all you guys out there who want a midrange PCIe card, you've got two very good choices:

1)The GeForce 7600GT, priced at about 11k

2)Gainward GeForce 6800 GS 'Golden Sample' at Rs 11000 (contact Mediatech India for this)
^^Theres no 7600 GT AGP yet, but theres a 7600 GS AGP which is priced about the same as the 7600 GT PCIE version. I guess thats a fair price for the powercolor.
Darth_Infernus said:
Doesn't BIG make only mid-range and low-end cards (like 6200/6600/7300/7600 and the like) with its own branding?

And can you educate me on why BIG is so bad?
firstly the force ain't with big :P
now my KOTOR friend, lets see.

BIG like zebronics is an indian brand, this means that they get stuff made in China (not a bad thing everyone does it)
But they patronise lower OEM vendors, and because they want high profits, they settle for cheaper bin parts, like the PCB and capacitors. Take a simple example - Liteon is a sony OEM, but sony drives have better quality parts than liteon's.. The reason, binning.

So you will get a palit 7600GT, which will be better than (say 80% of the time anyways) a zebronics 7600GT or a big of a similar chipset.

You must realise that all indian brands (in graphics they're only 2) want profits primarily cause they are mainly small fry concerned with getting richer. Its simple economics yaar... our market is governed by value, not VFM... so if u can get a card to india cheaper and sell it for the same amt. u get richer... right? ;)

Now OEM's particularly tier 2 and 3 ones, will gladly sell you anything in the PC arena with your name on it, stamped and signed, if u can justify volumes, and can pay cash on the barrel. This is how the market works.

AFA BIG goes, they don't make sh1t. everything is made mainland china.
Their 6600GT's were originally BFG OEM'ed, not any longer I'm afraid. considering what BFG costed them, don't expect to see any more BFG OEM cards from small err BIG :rofl: anymore.
vandal said:
BIG like zebronics is an indian brand, this means that they get stuff made in China (not a bad thing everyone does it)

But they patronise lower OEM vendors, and because they want high profits, they settle for cheaper bin parts, like the PCB and capacitors. Take a simple example - Liteon is a sony OEM, but sony drives have better quality parts than liteon's.. The reason, binning.

Hmm...I thought that Sony was an OEM of LiteOn and the quality difference was because Sony demanded better specifications...very interesting info. Thanks :)

So you will get a palit 7600GT, which will be better than (say 80% of the time anyways) a zebronics 7600GT or a big of a similar chipset.

You must realise that all indian brands (in graphics they're only 2) want profits primarily cause they are mainly small fry concerned with getting richer. Its simple economics yaar... our market is governed by value, not VFM... so if u can get a card to india cheaper and sell it for the same amt. u get richer... right?

So its all about the money huh? Well, this is exactly the reason why India will never rise up when it comes to computer hardware....

Now OEM's particularly tier 2 and 3 ones, will gladly sell you anything in the PC arena with your name on it, stamped and signed, if u can justify volumes, and can pay cash on the barrel. This is how the market works.

So basically Zebronics and BIG choose the cheapest OEM on offer and sell it off in crud-type packaging, not caring shit about the quality...Which means you can never get a defective part successfully replaced by these "brands"?

AFA BIG goes, they don't make sh1t. everything is made mainland china.

Their 6600GT's were originally BFG OEM'ed, not any longer I'm afraid. considering what BFG costed them, don't expect to see any more BFG OEM cards from small err BIG anymore.

I don't expect anything from BIG....except "Big" problems. Maybe its a Palit now, and soon they'll step down to binned locally made Chinese PCBs :O

Either way, you've convinced me that both Zebronics and BIG are brands to stay away from, and for that I must thank you. :)

BTW I agreed on getting the PowerColor Radeon X800GTO. Decent brand, decent card too. :)
Hm....Well, On August 7, I made the largest generation-to-generation leap (TM). Now that should pretty much tell you what graphics card I have. :D
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a decent 7600GT for AGP. The only AGP 7600GT I found was of a strange brand name which I'd never heard of before. I did not want to take the chance, though the price was cool for 11k. But it is also possible the guy was referring to 7600GS and not GT.

As for the Radeon X800GTO, I got a bad card and the dealer didn't have any replacements, so I had to return it.

In the end I settled for an XFX GeForce 6800 GT (thats right, GT - not GS) for 13k - which is pretty much what I would pay for a GS as well. Rashi Peripherals told me they'd contact me if they had an 6800 Ultras in stock, but they never did, so I have to assume they never got that shipment of Ultras :D

Now, GeForce FX 5950 Ultra --> GeForce 6800 Ultra = Largest generation to generation leap.

Same way, GeForce FX 5900 Non-Ultra --> GeForce 6800 GT = Largest generation to generation leap :D

This 6800 plays 99% of my games very well. The only game I still have fps problems with is Call of Duty 2.
Darth -- lol...... what are you talking man ??

I jumped from an MX 440 SE to a 6800 GT..... What do you say to that ??

And I know many people here have had bigger leaps...
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