Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Discussion Thread

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I think I'll take this up once I am done with Asura's Wrath. Been a while since this one was sidelined. Saints Row 3 is another one.
BTW.. i have done the songs of ballads faction quests first and have completed it.. Now what i have (armour and weapons) is too hot for any of trolls or biggies coming up and ofcourse the fun has dried up too.

Hope i find enuf fun in running thru the main mission..
Installed and the 'fateless one' has stepped out of the pile of corpses. Just wanted to ask how lengthy is the game? 40 hours tops? I do not want to prolong it any further. I just need to get out of the gamer's block that I am currently passing through. Eagerly looking forth for the God of War inspired combat.
Installed and the 'fateless one' has stepped out of the pile of corpses. Just wanted to ask how lengthy is the game? 40 hours tops? I do not want to prolong it any further. I just need to get out of the gamer's block that I am currently passing through. Eagerly looking forth for the God of War inspired combat.

It can be finished in 25 to 30 hours, few side quests + Faction Quests + Main quests.

If you keep doing all side quests it will surely take double the time.
Fair enough.

Played for some 5 odd hours yesterday and somehow skipped the evening meal before I noticed it has crossed 11 already! Damn this additive genre.

Completed few side quests, the first main quest and leveled up my character to 5. The first thing that caught my eye is the combat in the game! So well executed, I bet this is going to improve as we progress. Got a pair of chakrams among other things and it rips through the enemy AI like a hot knife through butter! However, I prefer a longsword and a pair of Faeblades just like Skyrim. Somehow the fairytale visuals did not impress me much coming from something as epic as Skyrim but it does seem to suit the plot and settings of Reckoning.

I am anyhow not interested in pursuing many side quests. Let's see how this progresses.
Played for 3 hours yesterday and presently pursuing some ballad quest from the elves. Not bad.

Leveled up to 8. I think I am in love with Chakrams now. Confronted few threshes and kicked their butt left right and center! Best part is the reckoning ability with fateshifting. Guaranteed death in less than 3 seconds! Sold all the unwanted junk and got a very high amount of Gold in exchange. Equipped myself with some leet armor, longsword and a pair of chakrams. And it looks like these merchants have unlimited Gold unlike other RPGs wherein there is a specific limit or the limit is extended with an unlocked ability as was the case with Skyrim.

And there is no impact of weight on the movement of the character? I haven't overloaded yet but once I was looting a stash and it mentioned the inventory is full. And yet the character motion was unaffected. Even difficulty is sad. Was playing on Normal, switched to Hard after a while. Will resume the main quests today.
Played for 3 hours yesterday and presently pursuing some ballad quest from the elves. Not bad.

Leveled up to 8. I think I am in love with Chakrams now. Confronted few threshes and kicked their butt left right and center! Best part is the reckoning ability with fateshifting. Guaranteed death in less than 3 seconds! Sold all the unwanted junk and got a very high amount of Gold in exchange. Equipped myself with some leet armor, longsword and a pair of chakrams. And it looks like these merchants have unlimited Gold unlike other RPGs wherein there is a specific limit or the limit is extended with an unlocked ability as was the case with Skyrim.

And there is no impact of weight on the movement of the character? I haven't overloaded yet but once I was looting a stash and it mentioned the inventory is full. And yet the character motion was unaffected. Even difficulty is sad. Was playing on Normal, switched to Hard after a while. Will resume the main quests today.

Merchants dont have unlimited gold.

play for a few more hours you will be hard pressed with inventory management, with so many different types of weapons to choose, you will be forced to buy backpacks to increase inventory.

Difficulty is on the easier side thanks to fateshifting, luckily I started the game in hard, so It was more fun.

Best armor I found was after completing house of valor Quest lines, Armor was around 900 I think lol
After leaving Skyrim half way and not even finishing a mission in Lord of the rings war off the north, I am going to start Kingdoms of Amalur today
Merchants dont have unlimited gold. play for a few more hours you will be hard pressed with inventory management, with so many different types of weapons to choose, you will be forced to buy backpacks to increase inventory. Difficulty is on the easier side thanks to fateshifting, luckily I started the game in hard, so It was more fun. Best armor I found was after completing house of valor Quest lines, Armor was around 900 I think lol

i would say complete the ballads quest and u will get their armour as gift.. i never ever bought any high end weapons but got all of them from side quests.. all my armour and weapons are the elite ones..

but the main mission wasnt interesting me after hours of play on side missions and so stopped the game
I say make ur stuff. Even the best armor i got from quest and drops was nothing compared to ones i made. Same for weapons, my greatsword dealt a dmg of around 300.
I'll resume this shortly. I finished Sorcery and Finesse playthroughs. I reset my high level Sorcery char to a Might build after the main quest just to try stuff and my char was so overpowered.

Only thing I don't like about this game is how the renegade/paragon choices have little to no consequences. >_>

PS : I hex edited my save for max gold at the start of the game. I enjoyed the game more that way.
#[member='Gannu'].. told u this s**t was addicting

Totally bro. Spent 5 hours yesterday and leveled up to 13. Got some good stuff. Plenty of loot and gold in exchange.

After leaving Skyrim half way and not even finishing a mission in Lord of the rings war off the north, I am going to start Kingdoms of Amalur today

Did you completely leave Skyrim? War in the North is such a piece of junk compared to Skyrim or Reckoning. I played it purely for my love towards the LOTR franchise. You can safely skip that but I'd say resume Skyrim after a while. I so miss wandering around Skyrim .

i would say complete the ballads quest and u will get their armour as gift..

I am presently pursuing the Ballads faction quest. Progressed quite a bit actually. Paired up with that Elven lady to defeat that mother troll in some cavern.

I say make ur stuff. Even the best armor i got from quest and drops was nothing compared to ones i made. Same for weapons, my greatsword dealt a dmg of around 300.

I still haven't delved into blacksmithing. As much as I want to, most weapons available for purchase or by looting are pretty decent. Let me see if I can gain some interest in weapon and armor making this weekend.
Did you completely leave Skyrim? War in the North is such a piece of junk compared to Skyrim or Reckoning. I played it purely for my love towards the LOTR franchise. You can safely skip that but I'd say resume Skyrim after a while. I so miss wandering around Skyrim .

I have the save files safely, might resume playing after sometime!
I am presently pursuing the Ballads faction quest. Progressed quite a bit actually. Paired up with that Elven lady to defeat that mother troll in some cavern.

U are not there yet.
its a long way to go.. but yeah.. u certainly progressed a fair bit.
Today was one of the most productive Sundays I've seen since a long time! Progressed quite a lot. I suppose I am nearing the completion of the title. Done with the quest - Pride Before a Fall and started Taking Vengeance.

Completed the House of Ballads quest and I loved the ending. I am not sure if I would attempt the other faction quests though, since they do not seem to be very engrossing compared to the ones we've had in Skyrim. The Thieves Guild quests for instance. Completed 50+ quests altogether and amassed quite a lot of Gold! It stands at some 10L+.
Is this game really worthwhile? I'd probably end up skipping it, if Dragon's Dogma turns out to be as good as it promises. Way too many RPG titles are flooding up and can't really let them meddle around with the other titles.
Nothing great OMG types like Skyrim or Witcher 2 but the combat and skill tree is pretty awesome and praiseworthy. The visuals and storyline seems okay for a fantasy RPG. Some of the side quests are more interesting than the main quest itself! Soundtracks suck. The game isn't all that lengthy TBH. I am on the verge of completing it and for the average player, it shouldn't take beyond 25 hours. i.e. if you don't plan to attempt all the side quests and misc. quests. IGN's rating of 9 is a bit too much if you ask me. 8~8.5 seems fair.

On a related note, I am a bit skeptical about how Dragon's Dogma would turn out to be. I mean going by the gameplay videos, it just looks like the Japs. churned out their iteration of Skyrim! May be wrong though.
I had played this game's demo and It was fun. But after playing Skyrim and Witcher 2, the bar has been set really high and thus, I'm being very picky with RPG's now. If they don't interest me in the long run, then I'm gettting rid of them. I think I'll pass on this one, for now.
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