mathrisk .: deleted :. Herald Nov 11, 2011 #1 Its 11.11.11 and here's another Klueless. Klueless 7 anyone up for this?
eggman Discoverer Nov 12, 2011 #2 I'm stuck in level 10 --- Updated Post - Automerged --- Now on 14th...didnt sleep the whole night
mathrisk .: deleted :. Herald Nov 12, 2011 #3 I'm stuck on 13th since last night. edit: 13 done..onto 14 now.
L Lazzy Boy Contributor Nov 13, 2011 #4 Just heard about klueless a few hours ago. Started playing klueless 1 and reached till 23.
eggman Discoverer Nov 13, 2011 #5 Play Klueless 7 man.. K1 is so old ..I have not played it though :-D