41-50k Laptop from Lamington Road

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I was looking to get a Laptop on behalf of my cousin with a budget of about 40-50k. He needs the Laptop within a week or so and hence didnt want to take the chance of getting it online. The laptop shortlisted by him is this one Dell New Inspiron 15R(Audi) 3rd Gen Ci5/ 4GB/ 500GB/ 1GB Graphics/ [Win 7 HB]. Now, Deltapage has this same model listed for 43.8K, so I'm pretty sure that it will be cheaper/similarly price at Lamington and if I'm able to source the DOS version
[listed on Flipkart as coming soon]
then it would be great:)

I wanted to know are there any specific shops which deal in Laptops and get me the best price? or would the rates for laptops be almost similar across all the popular stores(though I haven't seen the popular ones selling Laptops):unsure:
I went around Lamington yesterday to check out the price of the laptop and most of the shops gave me a quote of 41K for the DOS version and 43K for the WIN7 version for Dell New Inspiron 15R [3rd Gen Ci5/ 4GB/ 500GB/ 1GB AMD Graphics] also there was discount of about 5% for cash payment:)

But one of the shops gave me a quote of 34k for the DOS version and 35.5K for the WIN7 version without any bargaining. I re-confirmed with him about the model no and he said it was the latest 3rd-gen Ivy bridge itself and even offered me an upgrade of RAM to 8GB and HDD to 1TB for about 38k(DOS version) :scared14:

Later on when I went to another store, thats when I learned that there are two versions floating around
1) Dell India warranty included Laptop
2)(Import-wala maal/Grey market) Laptop with no Dell Indian warranty and thats what created the price difference

Now the confusion is which one to pickup of the above two:unsure: Since this laptop wont be used in India as my cousin would be taking this to UK along with him, so having a dell india warranty would be of no use. But before zeroing in on the 2nd option, I wanted to know reliable can the Grey market laptop be:confused1:

Anyone have any experience with the Grey market laptops?
I'm inclined towards picking up the 2nd option of Grey-market laptop, anyone had any experiences with them?
Shop that is offering it is, MacIT solutions.
Suleesh, why can't your cousin get it from UK instead with the B&W? That would at least give him some peace of mind should something go wrong later. Besides, prices in the UK and here are almost comparable if not cheaper.
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