Laptop purchase UK or India?

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I may be travelling to the UK in the near future and want to replace my aging and half broken laptop. Would it be cheaper to pick on up in the UK than in India? So far I've heard conflicting stories, some people claim that while the US is a good place to buy laptops the UK is slightly expensive. Either picking up a Thinkpad or an MBP.
India would be a cheaper bet IMO and you would get local warranty as well (not counting MBPs here). UK prices are on the higher side compared to US/Middle-East/South-East Asian pricing. The 13" MBP is listed for 1000 pounds and you may get some cash back for the VAT refund. The US pricing for the 13" MBP is 72,900 and you are entitled for a student discount if you produce a college/school ID card before the purchase.
^ I think indian pricing of MBP 13 is 72900/-..

to Topic, choose to buy in UK if..
1. The price is cheaper (which is nowadays not that difference)
2. Could get used to the UK Keyboard (i feel tough to do)
3. You get the international warranty (which is rare)

else indian one's
UK is actually expensive (personal experience :P). US is a much better place to buy Apple and Dell. See if the 17.5% Vat Refund helps you. If you have a student ID it would also save you around 15% on the top end models not to mention around 75% savings on 3 year warranty for students. I dont really like Apple as I think they are overpriced else I would have got one myself. My last calculation and comparison showed the difference to range between 30kto 40k on top end macbook 15/17 inch (+3 year warranty) as compared to Apple India.
@mhi: You should experience an Apple to suggest one. I don't think your field of work/study would want to make you buy an Apple mbp or imac. Trust me, if I would not have been gaming on the PC, I'd have got a MBP any day! :)

thirumalkumaran said:
^ I think indian pricing of MBP 13 is 72900/-..
My bad! I meant the Indian pricing there! :ashamed: :P
Thanks for the tips guys. I will start doing some diligent calculations on my own and see how cheap/expensive it works out. I hadn't thought about the UK keyboard, that would be horrible. The only reason I'd go for an MBP is battery life (without having to lug around a 9 cell). My standard use case for a computer is usually browsing/audio-video and a little programming (shell, perl, python). A linux supporting computer would be more than enough for my needs (hence Thinkpad is my second option).

Holy crap, if you do a GBP to INR conversion, the damn prices are exactly the same ~72k for entry level mbp. Disappointing.
Well Macbook does have the best battery Backup in the market. I dont remember exactly but even the battery on Macbook is covered for like 1000 charge discharge cycles. So if you do one charge-discharge daily then it should last you a good 3 years approx. If you see a drop in battery power then you get a replacement (within the 3 year warranty period ofcourse). My friend got one and he used to keep his battery on charge all the time so he had like 100 odd cycles in an year. Macbooks have a counter for the cycles.
laptops are cheaper in India than Uk due to currency conversion factor. check out Dell and sony vaio models,they are cheaper in India when compared with Uk prices.
RS4 said:
laptops are cheaper in India than Uk due to currency conversion factor. check out Dell and sony vaio models,they are cheaper in India when compared with Uk prices.
yes.. this is the main factor in the end..
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