CPU/Mobo Last minute doubts on AM2 Vs C2D

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The proposed rig:

CPU AMD X2 3600 Am2 512 Kb L2 cache
Asus M2N-E
1 GB DDR 2 533 Kingston
MSI 7900 GT 256 DDR 3
Hitachi 250 GB SATA II
Samsung 940BW 19"*
Logitech Optical Duo Desktop*
Enermax 485W Noisetaker *
Seagate 160GB ATA 100*
Asus DVD Writer 1603*
Antec SLK 1600 case*

* Items carried over from my previous system

I was planning to get these components tomorrow
On last minute claculations , realised I could afford a Core2duo 6300
with either a Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 or a Asus P5B (need to confirm prices on these tomorrow)

Which would you guys reccomend?
This is a mainly gaming rig

My Enermax has developed some problems, I'm waiting a replacement part & will need a stand by powersupply till it gets fixed
What cheap PSU would you guys reccomend
The 3600 has 512 kb of cache, 256 x2

The c2d build is starting to make more sense

Finding the right board was the biggest issue, hope rashi has the p5b in stock

Need to spot the local Gigabyte dealer, this is in Cochin
drama said:
The 3600 has 512 kb of cache, 256 x2
The c2d build is starting to make more sense
Finding the right board was the biggest issue, hope rashi has the p5b in stock
Need to spot the local Gigabyte dealer, this is in Cochin
thats wat i meant ..... go to rashi .... if its not in stock they will arrange in 3-4days ....
Change of plans

I was earlier on the lookout for a 3800 x2 & I got one for a cool 8k
Paired it up with a asus a8n sli premium
reusing my ram & HDD's

Shelved plans for a c2d
Thanks all
Rahul said:
yeah it is true .... 256MB of cache per core ..... which i forgot to mention

its 256KB per core... if there were 256MB cache XP could be completely run from the proc alone... lol... ;)
Hi again guys

I ended up buying this

AMD 3800 939 x2 1MB L2 cache
Asus a8n sli premium
MSI 7900 GT

Re using my RAM & HDD's, will get more ram once prices are cheaper & a sata HDD too

I also picked up a Zebronics 500 watt PSU (Platinum)
It doesnt have a pciexpress connector
so am forced to use the adaptor, PCI express to 2 molex
Am running short of molex connectors

The zebronics guy assures me, its safe to use a molex splitter
I was thinking of using the splitters to run my hdd's & dvd drive
So I can dedicate two molex connectors for the GPU

I saw a 440 watt model mentioned with more molex connectors & 3 rails
Is that any good?

any advice on this?
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