LCD Warranty

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Does any company offer 3 years warranty (on panel) on LCD TV in India?

The extended warranties for the 1 year-offering-companies are exorbidant (though cheaper than the cost of the panel itself!)

Pl. let me know.
Does any company offer 3 years warranty (on panel) on LCD TV in India?

The extended warranties for the 1 year-offering-companies are exorbidant (though cheaper than the cost of the panel itself!)

Pl. let me know.

Sony offers 2 years extended warranty on LCD for approx 2K I guess. google it.
Sony offers 2 years extended warranty on LCD for approx 2K I guess. google it.

Just went to a Sony exclusive showroom yesterday and the cost of Sony warranty extension depends on the screen size.

i believe 32" is 3k and 40" is 5k for 2 year extended warranty. 2k maybe for smaller dimension.
Thanks guys!

Probably it would be a LG or Sony then.

up to 5-6k for two additional years seem definitely worth the peace of mind!

Thanks again for your time!
Looking more at LG 450 (42"), as LG (from personal experience) has better cust service compared with Sony. Thinking of having a good look at Panasonic too. Not yet done that. Research still on!
LG ....... I too hear LG is good for after sales service but do any one care why LG products need that much ASS.

Jus for e.g. my friend went with Sony TV for quality (Rs.25000/-) & doesn't care 1 year warranty at same time I went for ONIDA (Rs.16000/-) as delaer told me ONIDA TV has good features & best customer care compare to sony, in last 10 years friend never call Sony Care Center while I, who went with ONIDA, call countless time for After sales service + Local Tech Person & now looking to buy New TV & friend still enjoying Sony Wega.

Warranty really didn't help with CHEAP quality products who survied in market just becuase of Attractive & Flashy Advertising Gimmiks
Onida is crap, even I have a Onida 29 inCh. But it's not fair to compare LG with them, I have a LG AC, washing machine, fridge and mobile phone. I trust LG, or as others might say, I am a fanboy.

Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk 2
i once took my LG CRT monitor all the way to chennai as it was playing dead...i called them informing i am coming froma long distance and i need the monitor repaired and given to me on the spot.They took just 1 hr to repair it and sent me home safely .From then on i always recommend LG products especially monitors ...LG = awesome ASS
It is not as if you would need ASS, it is actually available if you need it. I had a friend who had (old story) this huge rear projection Sony (1.2 lakh) and when it was not OK within 8 months, the Sony ASS asked him to "bring it in", he had to hire a small truck! They refused to visit the house.

Somehow the Jap cos did not develop a reputation of good ASS, relying more on snob value. Koreans who did not have the snob value, had no choice but to develop good ASS.

If you live in a small place like I do, you need to worry about ASS!
IMHO - A brand is no guarantee of quality, I have had a variety of branded equipment to come to this conclusion. But more important, I am curious why are Guarantees for various products in India lower than overseas and why we lump it without as much as a whimper.
The 3 yr. warranty provided by toshiba is broken into two parts:

1) 1 yr. comprehensive warranty

2) next 2 yrs. warranty on service charges. ( meaning they wont charge for services but will charge for spare parts).

I recently purchased one toshiba 32PB21ZE for 20k and so I found out.

Panasonic also offers the similar warranty.
The 3 yr. warranty provided by toshiba is broken into two parts:

1) 1 yr. comprehensive warranty

2) next 2 yrs. warranty on service charges. ( meaning they wont charge for services but will charge for spare parts).

I recently purchased one toshiba 32PB21ZE for 20k and so I found out.

Panasonic also offers the similar warranty.

The Toshiba ads and stickers say 3 years warranty, I am sure they could be hauled to consumer forums if what you say is true.
They might have an asterisk stating conditions apply :-)

2 years back I bought a LG washing machine on Diwali with double warranty offer, 4 years instead of standard 2 years but when after 3 years some valve had a problem the asterisk on the warranty card mentioned extended warranty on motor only.

Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk 2
yeah.. its normally hidden in the fine prints.. but I asked the shopowner this question directly and he was quite forthcoming with the reply.
IMHO - A brand is no guarantee of quality, I have had a variety of branded equipment to come to this conclusion. But more important, I am curious why are Guarantees for various products in India lower than overseas and why we lump it without as much as a whimper.

Unfortunately there is a tendency in this country to get as many things "free" as possible with no hesitation in "bending" & twisting the rules for convenience (no, don't flame me!), it would be very interesting to see service once they open shop officially in India.

Disappointing to note the Toshiba & Panasonic warranty fine print.
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