learning material for the blind


need help regarding how embossed pvc sheets are made from scanned images
cannot spend huge money

IMG-20240908-WA0000.jpg IMG-20240908-WA0001.jpg

Depends on the quantity you are looking for. For 1 to 10 or 30 or so trace the scans in a vector drawing package and cut in laser. How thick are the PVC sheets? For up to 700 microns (0.70 mm) and if doing bulk hand over the vector drawing to a steel rule die maker and then get the sheets punched using the die.
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Does not look like 3 mm. Looks more like 0.5 mm die punched. Cannot punch 3mm pvc. Also for Braille like functionality 0.5 mm will suffice. My opinion.
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^ my sister measured a few sheets. their thickness is aprox 3mm or 4mm

she said embossed dots , curves ... etc could be of 1mm high above surface of the sheet
teacher has to guide blind students by moving their fingers above the figure & they feel shape

Thank You
Sorry, I could not make out. Those did not look like raised to me. Now that you mentioned it, I get it. In that case these have to be 3D printed and you have to see after testing one out whether a 3D printed one will work. Send me better photos taken at a slight angle not head on so i can better interpret the relief. How many do you need?