LED from India or Abroad ?

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[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Hi Mates ![/font]

i am really confused & not able to take a decision on the following -

1. Should i buy from Abroad ? I have people across the globe ( Dubai/Singapore/USA ). So i was thinking to get it from either of these mentioned places. But the problem is -

a. I need screen size 46". Price of 46" is high abroad as well. Even i have to pay for extra weight & customs ( on 35K + amount)

b. No warranty !

So, i need you advice on this, would buying from abroad really worth ?? here is what i am looking for -

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]S[/font][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]ize: 46"[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]1. Budget. : 40k if buying from abroad. Upto 50k-55k if buying from India

2. Viewing distance : 8-10 feet approx.

3. Input Sources: Media player & 1 TB HDD (1080p movies)

4. Preference for TV: LCD TV/LED-LCD TV/Plasma : only LED

5. Preference for brands : Sony/Samsung/Panasonic/VU/Sharp/LG

6. Willing to purchase it from the grey market? : No.

7. Ambient lighting conditions of the room : Well Lit

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]8. Any other feature you are looking for such as 3D support on the HDTV, DLNA capabilities etc: 3D a must[/font]

Guys please suggest on which model to look for, need to buy asap !
Buying TV from abroad involves risk. You have to take that decision yourself. You wont get any warranty & damage in transport is biggest risk. Especially for bigger size tvs. Being said that I myself have bought tv from dubai. If you choose a good brand, you are less likely to encounter any manufacturing defect within year. Also make sure your tv is transported safely. Then you do not have to worry much. If you decide to buy from abroad, buy from Singapore or Dubai. Us specific appliances have different power requirement. Singapore prices are cheaper than dubai.

As you said in your requirements, you want 46" 3D LED TV. But you wont get it within 40k. You can get non 3D 40-47" tv at that price. at least not from dubai and I don't think you will get it in Singapore either. So reconsider your requirements/budget. And I didn't get point no 3. You already have media player or you want tv to play all formats? if its later case, you will have to choose samsung. As sony, LG have limited format support. If you have media player then no issue with any brand.
Hi, thanks for your reply.

Few clarification/doubts -

1. I have 1TB toshiba HDD, but yet to buy media player.

2. I can stretch by Budget to 50K in case bying from Abroad & 70K in case i buy from India. What options do i have now ?

3. This is endless debate - Plasma versus LED ( your views please, my friends pushing me for Samsung E550 )

4. Where to check best prices for HDTV in Singapore/Dubai ? How to check on warranty. ( As my find bought 42" Panny LCD with 3 years international warrenty + damage insurance all in 29K, from Dubai )
Not worth the hassle is what i would say, unless you go beyond 50". I had a bad experience with my 52", some of the bulbs broke on transit. It doesn't happen to everyone but it could happen to anyone. I saved in tens of thousands but still it's unnecessary hassle and tension. So unless you are using it already abroad i would suggest against it.

I personally haven't found the need for 3D stuff, how much content would you get anyway, especially in India? And i for one certainly won't find it pleasing on the eye if you watch it day in and day out.
answers to your questions. A cheapest media player will cost you at least 3.5k. so consider this cost along with tv. If you buy samsung tv, you will not need to buy media player as samsung has best media player support. But samsung's 3D technology is 'active' type so you will need to spend the money saved on 3D gogles.(around 3k each piece). So if you want 3D, go for LG and buy a media player if required. you will get at least 4 goggles free with it so no need to spend money there. Reg Plasma vs LED/LCD, I would suggest not to go for plasma if you are buying it from abroad. Plasma has best picture quality, very high refresh rate. It is lot cheaper than LCD/LED of same or small size. But it has cons too. Plasmas are heavy. they consume lot of power. they are prone to burn in issue and damage in transport. So if you wish to buy plasma, confirm about international warranty otherwise buy it from local shop with warranty.
You still won't get 46" 3D LED in that budget. you can get 42" max. But it is a very good size considering your viewing distance. so your best option is LG 42LW4500 (around 51k in dubai). Plus you will have to pay around 7k for customs. Singapore costs will be cheaper, so check them and you may get this model very close to your budget.
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