Let's Demand Justice For Kolkata's Trainee Doctor


Gold is old
Rakshita Mam's video made me create this thread. She folded her hands and requested viewers like me to raise our voice. Something is very very wrong with this case. Please watch the video and share it.

I request every member here to not sexualize or objectify women. It's always better to be a "nice guy"/one woman man who respects women and doesn't look at them with ever-so-lustful eyes; more so when it comes to stranger females. The solution to this problem lies in our "drishti (sight)". It's "drishti" which can turn a man into a predator. Females are not trophies or territories to leave your mark on. They are humans who seek love, affection, dignity and respect.

I want you to think of the criminals' psychology here. It must take insane levels desensitization to even think of something like this, let alone materializing it. Think what led them to this crime. Think how they must be viewing females. Think what things/ideas they must be surrounded by.