LG DVD Player Starts Troubling? Help please.

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Hello Friends,

I has 2.5 yrs old LG DS9533 DVD Player, went for replacement of lens in last Diwali. Till today we hardly watch 30 movies. :(

Now from last 2 days, it refuse to run after 2 minutes, in those 2 minutes running span no problem with sound or picture quality, all is crystal clear but after 2 minutes, disc stop & DVD display panel start flashing "Hello, Loading, Off" one by one....... non stop till we switch off it directly.

I operate player via Remote, but as soon as 2 minutes over, DVD stop responding remote. Switches on DVD stop working after I open the front panel. :ashamed:

Any help please :huh:
Simple, take it to the guy (service centre?) who replaced the lens and have it checked.

I'm quite sure it is a hardware problem and not something a lens cleaner could take care of.

stop working after I open the front panel.


Actually the problem was start before opening the Front Panel.

After opening front panel, the switches on front panel STOP working. DVD Player responding to Remote but for just 2 minutes only.

Thanks for reply :)
Its propably case of loose connection.Save youself few buck and open the DVD player...

DVd players are the safest bet to open and do RND.

There is not much you can do or rather do wrong..just check the connections and you should be done..
it refuse to run after 2 minutes
Laser lens issue, perhaps? Are you sure it was a genuine lens replacement?

start flashing "Hello, Loading, Off" one by one....... non stop
It works in the beginning, fails after 2 mins, video processor tries to receive data and fails, process freezes , display shows "loading" constantly ?

After opening front panel, the switches on front panel STOP working.
That could only be a loose connection.

Like I suggested earlier, the easiest thing would be to get it checked by an experienced technician.
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