Are there any other issues? Is the screen bearable. From what I have read, the screen seems to be the only gripe. I am going to Hong Kong next week and its available for ~17k, but the Samsung Galaxy Pro 8.4 is available for ~24k, just thinking whether its worth paying the extra 7k for Snapdragon 800 and 2560x screenI got this recently from the US. It's a great tab, brilliant display, mighty fast.
Only gripe is low internal memory and my device's screen has its temperature calibration set at 6500K, making it slightly yellowish.
Everyone says that this can be fixed with other kernels.As I've grown used to it, not in a hurry to fix it yet.
And the 8.3" brings in a very good difference compared to a 7". Making reading ebooks/novels all the more comfortable.
Cheapest currently imported for Google Play Edition (which is better to buy than Lg edition) is for 33k on
Last week during 10% off it was for 30k but now no such coupon..