CPU/Mobo LGA775 Upgrade

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Hi guys,

I currently own a E6750, i was wondering if it was worth upgrading to a quad core without going in for an complete overhaul. I have my eye on the Q8400 and the Q9550, now the Q9550 is a decent bit more expensive than the Q8400 but is clocked higher and has 12MB L2 cache. Considering that in terms of real world performance, is the premium (about 5k) over a Q8400 worth it. And is it worth upgrading to a Quad core from my E6750? I am looking to extract a couple of more years out of my present setup. It is primarily a gaming rig with mostly strategy/adventure titles with the odd GTA/Shooter/Racing game thrown in.

What GPU do you have? Beyond a certain clock speed of the processor to eliminate any CPU bottleneck, games benefit more from GPU upgrades over CPU upgrades. I'd say, stick to the present setup if you have the CPU overclocked and upgrade the GPU. You can do a complete overhaul later.
My card will be a 5850 (currently working on a temp 4350), and I have 8GB of DDR2 Ram (got it cheap :P). I am not much of an oc'er - I have stuck to the default Abit iP35 pro overclock for the last three years :). I might work up the enthusaism to try and oc to about 3Ghz on stock cooling(if at all that is possible).
If you want to squeeze the most you can from your socket without changing, then a quad would be the best bet. Keep a look on the sales thread, you might find a Q9550 -- like I did...! Games benefit with multi cores these days.
5850 should be a good upgrade. :)

Get yourself a good aftermarket cooler and overclock the processor to at least 3.6G to eliminate the CPU bottleneck. The Conroes still pack a punch when it comes to gaming. Games that actually benefit from quad cores are pretty less in number and should barely see you through a couple of frames more, if you decide to upgrade to a quad core.
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rahulyo said:
Q9550 is good but price is ~14000-15000. Instead of Q9550 why not AMD X6 or Intel i5 ?
Dude what have you been smoking! That pricing was probably a year before. I don't recall the launch price of the Q9550 to be beyond that! :P

A second hand Q9550 retails for 6.5~7k these days and a new i7 930 D0 or the Xeon 3520 can be had for almost 14k INR, give or take a couple of hundred bucks. :)

An AMD X6 or an i5 would mean a complete overhaul - have you read the first post? :\
A cooler would be a better investment at this point, and I can always trawl the marketplace for a good deal on a quad. Thanks guys.
Desecrator said:
Dude what have you been smoking! That pricing was probably a year before. I don't recall the launch price of the Q9550 to be beyond that! :P

I remember seeing the price of a Q9550 around ~14.5K 3-4 months back. Can say this, cause I was constantly monitoring the price since I wanted one. They are hard to get in India now. Only saw one site retailing it as of now at roughly 13K pre-taxes...!
^Those are the left over stocks which were not sold. I recall noticing the pricing for E8400 close to the 8k mark but would any sane buyer get it for that price today knowing better processors have released across both the platforms? :)

Of course. But the OP insisted on squeezing the most he could from his LGA775. The wait for a 2nd hand Quad would be worth it.
Desecrator said:
Dude what have you been smoking! That pricing was probably a year before. I don't recall the launch price of the Q9550 to be beyond that! :P

A second hand Q9550 retails for 6.5~7k these days and a new i7 930 D0 or the Xeon 3520 can be had for almost 14k INR, give or take a couple of hundred bucks. :)

An AMD X6 or an i5 would mean a complete overhaul - have you read the first post? :\
Used Q9550 @ 7k (As u say) + ~2k for cpu cooler (If OP wants to OC cpu) = 9k ,then why not change mobo +cpu+ram and take i5 ,x4 or x6 setup ?

Is it easy to find used Q9550 ? (I also search used Q9550 from last 6 month but no luck.)

OP wants to play strategy/adventure + GTA , strategy and GTA games like more core .
well keep a watch and you might get Q9550 but not for 7k for sure. i got one for 8.5k and i upgraded from E8400. i do play AOE type games however i took Q9550 for some Vmware R&D at home. and i feel its worth if you want to keep LGA775 setup. no point in jumping to i3 or i5 right now. upgrade to any decent quad as you can afford and keep the setup for some years. i dont think there is any strategy game which require more than Q9550 + 5850+8GB RAM
a Quad or a E8XXX Oced to 3.8~ would do you nicely for most games but yea gta would run smoother on a quad.
What a funny thing to say. It may be dead for you, but users have different requirements and changes are situational retrospective to budget, location, availability, and usage. I do remember you were ahead in line for the Quad 9550 I picked from Saumildon [spelling..?], but you never took it. Is your LGA 775 dead also --- for you...?
On the topic of coolers, I have dug around a little, and found three coolers that fit the bill,

Thermalright Ultima - 90/90i
Arctic cooling Freezer 7 Pro
CM Hyper 212

The Ultima is a little more expensive than the other two, but seems to be worth it, is there anything else that I should look at (in the same price range)?

I will probably buy a couple of Scythe Slip Stream fans for a push - pull configuration
Get the CM Hyper 212. It bundles a pair of fans with the package. And performs well compared to the coolers in the same value. :)
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