Linux Linux Mint 12 (Lisa) has been released

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The final stable version of Linux Mint 12 code named Lisa has been released today :clap: :hap2:

It comes with Gnome 3 but has been heavily skinned so that Gnome 2 lovers don't feel overwhelmed. This version also includes Gnome 2.

Will have to stay up till 2am to download it. This version is sure to be awesome :ohyeah:

Release News - Linux Mint 12

Download page - Download | Linux Mint – India community

P.S - The main linux mint website is down at the moment. So I provided the links to the Linux Mint India website

I get this error while trying to boot from the Live DVD. Specs are in the signature. It gets stuck in the same place when I try to do a DVD integrity check too.


  • LinuxError.jpg
    104.6 KB · Views: 127
Not familiar with Mint, but have you tried disabling the Nouveau driver from loading during boot? This is done by specifying kernel boot params, there should be HOWTOs on the net for this.
Nouveau driver could be a problem since another guy having similar problem also had a nvidia card in Mint forum. Will try disabling it when I get home.
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