Linux - tar.gz!!!! :(

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I'm using Fedora and i really want to give windows the big middle finger and hibernate to Linux forever.. maybe if i can learn the required amount of programming then even become a linux developer some day.
All my dreams are becoming a little hesitant, however, as day by day i face new problems in Fedora. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna give up, but i REALLY need help with an issue else my laptop faces hardware damage danger.:ashamed:

So i want to install new applications in Fedora. I get these nice .tar.gz or .tar.gz2 files. WHAT SHOULD I DO TO INSTALL THEM??!!!!!!:@

btw i wanted to install vlc media player from its tar.gz file so if someone could give me instructions for that it would save me a lot of frustration..
dude first of all as you stop applying windows ways in linux world.

In fedora there is a package manager called yum which finds, downloads and installs new software. its not like windows, where you have find it, download it from some website. and click Next Next next. :P

here there is just 1 step; tell what you want and you will get it. Simple!

So Use yum and be happy:)

Read this: VideoLAN Client (VLC) — Fedora Unity Project

and make sure you read the Requirements to enable RPM Fusion repo first

btw, this might also help:
.tar.gz type files are generally compressed source files which means u need to compile and install.

To uncompress
tar -xvzf file.tar.gz

To install
Goto the extracted folder
make install
you can also mention the install path if u want else it'll goto the default path
./configure --prefix="path"
What package you are trying to install ??

configure make and make install might not work. You have to resolve dependencies ;) So try settng repo. and then install from packagekit [ package manager wrapper for yum]
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