CPU/Mobo List of Z77 motherboards

Add msi as well
Great start. Now we need to keep this thread ALIVE as Ivybridge rolls out.

I would definately be looking at input's such as local pricing & picking up the right board in what seems to be a deluge of Z77 mobo's.

@rite - Are u a fanboy of MSI ........ (well, just as I am of Asus)


Incidently the following MSI Z77A-GD80 - seems to be the "pick" of their lot (It has Thunderbolt port as well as Military Class)



The thing with Asus is that their build quality is relatively poor, and more importantly, they have the worst after sales in India due to Rashi. MSI on the other hand has the best aftersales since MSI is the distributor, and to top it, MSI is the cheapest of the lot in India and high end stuff comes at mid end price and competes with other high end boards
The thing with Asus is that their build quality is relatively poor, and more importantly, they have the worst after sales in India due to Rashi. MSI on the other hand has the best aftersales since MSI is the distributor, and to top it, MSI is the cheapest of the lot in India and high end stuff comes at mid end price and competes with other high end boards

Agreed & Ditto about Asus Service (from all the reports) + some friends experiences. My Asus board has been flawless these past 8 years and never gave any problems...... However, it's always re-assuring to know that - "Just in case we need some servicing, then what happens ?"

Incidently, what does your experience with MSI tell you about the possible pricing of this model - MSI Z77A-GD80 ? And maybe I am not sure whether it has a PCI slot (I was thinking of re-using my Audigy 2 Sound Card)
None of the Z77 motherboards will have a PCI slot.

IMO GD80 will be priced at around 15-17k at launch, approx. GD65 around 12-13.5k and will be nearly the same motherboard without Thunderbolt and fewer overclock phases, but you will still manage 4.6-4.8+ with GD65 with Ivy.

IMO, GD65 will compete with 15-16k Asus mobos and GD80 is for the 18-22k+ Asus mobos
The thing with Asus is that their build quality is relatively poor, and more importantly, they have the worst after sales in India due to Rashi. MSI on the other hand has the best aftersales since MSI is the distributor, and to top it, MSI is the cheapest of the lot in India and high end stuff comes at mid end price and competes with other high end boards

exactly .... i myself had a very bad experience with asus ASS.... its incident like this that breaks the trust of enthusiastic gamer like me and many more.... and at the end they gave a low end mobo in return and told me that you have to deal with this as we don't have that model in stock.... so i left rashi with a state of mind that "i just lost my few bucks but asus has lost another customer and "IT WILL CONTINUE " "..

Add msi as well


here's MSI jumping in as well :- http://hexus.net/tv/show/2012/01/MSI_confirms_Intel_Z77_will_have_USB_3_0_integrated_into_chipset

#rite thanks man
This is getting confusing - I admit that Asus "support" sucks in India...... But @rite - Add msi as well - comment has got me dazed. So where do we stand ????
For India, MSI or Gigabyte will be better unless you want the last 100-200 Mhz overclock, but you need to be an expert for that.
The stories of ASS are or versatile nature.

Asus ASS seems to have improved in past 2years.

While on the other hand, I have had a very hard time getting a replacement from MSI.

In terms of Quality, I avoid MSI.

I have been in retail business and I prefer Asus/gigabyte in terms of quality for every system that I assembled.

I have had low end Asus boards fail on me in past 7years but not a single gigabyte failed (most were G31, and some were 760G, 880G, N68)

Biostar is on equal lines as MSI in terms of quality for me... Have purchased 5 biostar boards in past 5years and every single one of them has failed in less than 2yrs of purchase.

One of the reasons I tried to avoid purchasing TZ68K+ despite of extreme VFM.

I'm not sure if Gigabyte would be maintaining the quality hence forth but I would surely give it my money when im investing for a long term solution.


rite purchases PC hardware every alternate quarter (or so does he portray from his pics, though never have I ever seen him posting any pics even in show off section); I would advice you to prefer quality over 10-15% discounted prices.

Ofcourse, if MSI offering speaks quality then do not let go of that 10-15%

See all the offerings in flesh if possible than placing a preorder.
Money isn't my primary concern, the price difference between the Asus and MSI offering I would buy isn't more than 1-2k or so. But at that price point, the Asus has nothing extra to offer, MSI has more features, better ASS, better RMA, and doesn't really lack anywhere. If I were to truly beat a 15k MSI mobo, I would need to spend over 20k+ for the Asus one which makes no sense as it has nothing extra that interests me, except 0.2-0.3% more performance for over 5k+ more. At 12-15k, MSI has better VFM offerings, Gigabyte is fine as well, but Gigabyte has had some recent issues other than which it is at par with both.

And the Z77 Sabertooth will probably cost at least 16.5-18.5+ at launch, NOT MRP, but retail. So IMO that is a waste unless you are a mad overclocker. I am happy with a 4.8 Ghz Ivy and that is okay with MSI or Gigabyte or Asus. I am not an expert overclocker and Asus doesn't guarantee a stable 5.0 for me
@rite, no doubts about so many of ur concerns.... rather than being so verbose, it wud often help if ur views r backed by "facts" ... or links. This gives greater credibility to anyone's debate.

I would wish to come back to the main subject of this thread - the Z77 mobos. Let's share all the info we can gather (preferably backed by links/facts)... so that when these beauties r launched, we are able to make the best decisions.

Go to newegg.com. Check different motherboards t the same price point for features. You will get to know. Then check reviews of each motherboard for performance, and oc, check from several google page 1 websites. I am not going to do all your work. This will only take you 1 hour if you google it. Do it yourself
any doubts then get back to me
Ivy Bridge preview with GIGABYTE Z77X-UD5H (Intel Z77) and Core i5 3750K


The big issue at the moment is that the Z77 launch is looking a bit like the 990FX launch. While we thought that the 990FX launch would bring with it the launch of the Bulldozer platform, it didn't, instead we saw the CPUs delayed. We're seeing the same kind of thing here, instead of the Ivy Bridge platform on a whole being launched, we're going to see only the chipset side of things.

The fundamental difference is that it seems that the Ivy Bridge platform is unofficially ready. But for particular reasons, we're only going to see the motherboard side launch this month and the CPU side launch next month. Well; officially that is. Unofficially we're bringing you a look at the platform on a whole.

If only we had a Core i7 3770k on hand as well to really give you an idea of how Ivy Bridge was going to look come launch day. *knock knock* sorry I'll be right back! Okay scrap that - we now do have an i7 3770k on hand. We'll throw it in our testbed right now and see you a little later on today or tomorrow morning depending where you're reading this from.

It is far more disappointing that the initial benchmarks showed. Hopefully, when more reviews and complete reviews especially regarding Overclocking come up, it might make things better
Well It looks like the Z77 is AVAILABLE AT LAST HERE IN INDIA


And I guess it's time to now phase out the Z68 series (unless determined by needs, budget constraints & sticking to Sandybridge).... so here's what let's collate & combine the following thread......


........here as suggested (lastly) by #[member='BIKeINSTEIN']

Ok so here are the prices of the first Z77 boards by Asus (on flipkart)

Asus P8 Z77-M ............... Rs 10134/-

Asus P8 Z77-M PRO ...... Rs 12190/-

Asus P8 Z77-V ............... Rs 15285/-

Asus P8 Z77-V PRO ...... Rs 16695/-

Asus Maximus V GENE .... Rs 15296/-

Asus P8 Z77-V DELUXE ..... Rs 21412/-

Asus P8 Z77-I DELUXE ........... out of stock

Asus P8 Z77-WS .............. not priced

Asus SABERTOOTH Z77 ........ out of stock


Now we need some specific notes on which would be the "best" board ..... from Asus
