LiveKernelEvent error in Counter Strike only

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Well guyz...whenever i start playing CS...after 3-5 mins the game hangs and hav to end the process frm task manager :no: the "Problems' section of vista it says 'A problem with your video hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.'

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent

OS Version: 6.0.6001.

Locale ID: 1033

Extra information about the problem

BCCode: 117


BCP2: FFFFFA600261BD80

BCP3: 0000000000000000

BCP4: 0000000000000000

OS Version: 6_0_6001

Service Pack: 1_0

Product: 256_1


I dont get dis error in any other heating of cpu/gpu can be ruled out...and yes....hav reinstalled the game lik a billion happens on Steam too !!

Have googled a lot for the solution....many say the drivers r corrupted...but its not the case....i hav reinstalled drivers nd Vista several times... :huh: :huh:

Some say it has to do somthin with the Graphic card.... :huh: :no:

Have any of you come across dis error............. :(

:@ :@ :@
try in XP :)

maybe an update to Vista has screwed up something, try and run CS on a fresh install of Vista without any of the last 3-4 week of updates.
1. Have you installed any windows update files recently ? System restore !

2. Go to Device manager > Display adapter (your gfx card) > Properties > Roll-back dirver if still persists then Uninstall driver, then reinstall the drivers.

3. Reinstall Vista !!!
no...i havent installed any updates

reinstalled vista just few days bck...

but i've installed a 'March 09' OEM of it must b havin all the updates....cud dat be the problem????
ohh yea...forgot to mention :

OpenGL : game freezes after 2 mins.....hav to end task

D3D : game freezes after 10 stuck for 10 secs....and then i can continue to play...but will freeze again for 10 secs after som time...and recovers...

*** my 76GT is 2 yrs old...
After you have started counter strike go to windows task manager and give highest priority to the CS process ...

try this and report back..
^^^ Run the program and see.. its easy to find as i have used the exact term.

It will look like this:

you can also try this:
nixy_15 said:
very simple solution

right click on hl.exe>>>>compatibility>>>select XP SP2>>>>apply>>>>RUN
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