Logitech MX518, price slashed.. *not so fast.. another ITDepot typo :P*

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I think since only 10 pieces are there, each one should get only one piece, that would be fair...

montylee said:
How is MX310 compared to MX518?

Cant compare the too, MX 518 is a high end gaming mouse, 310 is a low end gaming mouse, both of them are way better then the crapo value mouse...

310 at this price makes for a great backup mouse or a non gamers mouse....
2 confirmed ( other 2 almost confirmed. ) :D..

EDIT : this has to be the most successfull GO ... all 10 almost sold even before starting the thread...!! :lol:
Deepak said:
I think since only 10 pieces are there, each one should get only one piece, that would be fair...

Cant compare the too, MX 518 is a high end gaming mouse, 310 is a low end gaming mouse, both of them are way better then the crapo value mouse...

310 at this price makes for a great backup mouse or a non gamers mouse....
only diff between 310 and 518 is 518=righthanders, 310 =bothhanders
Oye if Super Saiyan is allowed 4, even I want 2 :D

@nuke, yeah lefty and righty aspects apart, technically they are also different no? Spec wise

Anyone who has used the Logitech MX Duo Cordless wala mouse, the MX310 is the same, with cords ofcourse...

EDIT : read the practical difference post, very very true m8

@Super, well yeah but loads of ppl want it and only 10 pieces left...besides I want 2 or 3 myself....:D
super_saiyan said:
^lol..& 310 is 800dpi i think & 518 is 1600.:)
aint it like a first come first server basis ? :P

well Since I need one, I will say, NO, everyone should get one if there's availability shortage....
Sorry guys i'm a little hard pressed for time (and reeeally lazy too), so i may not be able to help out with the GO.. i just posted for those who were in Chennai and can afford the time to visit Ritchie street and get one (that means you Stalker :P). I was expecting pricing to be similar across the other hardware zones in India, so gave the info as a heads-up.

Nonetheless great to see Saiyan step in and help out ! :D
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