Logitech X540 Or Altec Lansing VS2621

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Nice! From where? Can u give me a link or something?

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Can't find Z506 anywhere! Not even Ebay, Amazon , Rediff Etc!
Yes thats coz its a brand new product from Logitech..even they added that product on their website (indian) 2 days back.. its like Garma Garam Samosa hot and steamy product.. You wont find it on ebay and all coz of same reason... not just India but globally its released just a few days back... its official release date is 15/16th of August 2010.

Where are you from? are you from mumbai? i can then do some magic from my side and get it shipped if u want :)
Nice purchase mate. Congo.

Am also going to buy 5.1 Surround Sound in oct. If I can't find locally, will contact ya for same Z506. :p
^ Sure Crossbow.

Z506 also works on the same technology and architecture.. ported downwards woofers.. so its equally spread over the floor and u get proper effect on the top ie. in your ears where you are sitting.
b00gieMan said:
Bought Z506 and guys its awesome.. its better than X540! The speaker's bass is ****ing awesome... am on onboard sound pumped it up on speaker and from computer's sound panel as well and there was not a single crackling sound from the bass sub! the volume controller is on the on the Front Right Speaker and I DONT HAVE ANY ISSUES WITH IT.. infact i love it more.. coz corded volume controller is STUPID and has issues later or sooner.. plus i keep my volume at one level everytime and then control from my computer audio or i use my keyboard shortcut since am using Microsoft Reclusa and have a volume controller jog dial.. playing games and watching movies.. saw Iron Man2 720p on it.. and i was amazed.. my windows were shaking in certain scenes... i got fish tank with 2 x huge sharks and they started getting hyper coz of the blasts and explosions!

U are not getting X540 or even if u are getting then too i'd suggest you to go for these speakers.. dont listen to others who srsly havnt tested anything and just wana give their piece of mind..

Dont misguide ppl if you dont know what u are talking about.. u find them cheap? u gotta see them in real and u srsly got some stupid sense to call these speakers cheap.. infact look more designer and better than stupid rectangular X540 speakers.

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also wana add towards the bass controller... who the freak uses bass controller that often or even often? u are supposed to keep bass on one level and then use it.. not like volume that u modify / use it in every song or movies and music.
It was just my opinion, I just wanted him to know certain drawbacks.

Also went to my friends place to day who ordered this set of speakers. Tested them, sound quality is awesome, Base is good but its NOT way better than X-540. I still think X-540 will be a better choice in Base and overall sound quality.

Your best bet will be to check the sound quality of both set of speaker and then decide.
^ Those are not really draw backs.. plus am saying that only after testing x-540 and z506.. a friend has 540 so thats how i had my hands on it.. 2ndly X-540 is OOP (Out Of Production).. so u wont get it anywhere.. its a confirm news from Logitech distri. Some ppl might have old stuck stock.. anyway its a 2006 speakers so thats waht you can expect. Z506 is the new upgraded version according to them... no X series for now.

2ndly the bass of z506 is better than x-540 and if u connect z506 with a good sound card based syste.. it eats up 540 like a popcorn :D.. all my comments and reviews and stuff are only after i have my own experience and hands on that product :)
Congrats on your joyous purchase :hap2: Nothing better than a highly-satisfied listener :)

@Others: As said many times by audio gurus, sound is very subjective. For instance, some like super-bass while some prefer precise amounts. Anyways, those wondering about the performance of the new speakers from logitech, here's a nice review from engadget. Logitech Z506 review -- Engadget
^ Thank you and very well said about audio quality depending on diff ppl and their diff tastes... am one of those who always looks for Explosive sounds that can make your neighbour come up to your door and abuse you :P.. i want explosions to sound like real as if a big debree fell of the wall in the room... and am satisfied with these speakers... i tried loud peak volume and it was shaky... Engadget review is decent.. but u cant compare that to Audiophile and all.. even though price is diff.. plus anyway u dont really get all that ovre here and am not one of those who'd stupidly pay extra money to order it from US or so..

Well gettng back to the point.. rite now am on onboard audio... am looking for a soundcard and my budget is strictly @ 3-4K. Yes it has to be 7.1 and best sound card.... Xonar DX is the best for this price but sad its not available in mumbai and in Chandigargh the price is insane and unreasonable... Suggestions ?
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