Car & Bike Looking for a good helmet (Bangalore)

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Visor is lose.

There is a whistlingsound whenever I go above 40.

The visor keeps comoing off at one side. It never locks in place perfectly the way it is meant to.

I removed the 4 screws(2 on each side) to put an end to the visor coming off and after that, one of the screws isnt fitting back in the hole. It was the same hole from where I removed that particular screw.

My helmet got wet one day in the rain and so I removed the interiors to dry it properly. It NEVER fit perfectly. Whatever I tried, it feels like the interiors belong to a difference helmet.

Quality of the interiors is shoddy. It doesnt have a leather finish like proper AGVs. That small leather part at the bottom i.e.

The air vents are utterly useless and rubbish. It makes ABSOLUTELY no difference if they are open or closed.

When top part of the helmet(just above the visor) is scratched. Why? Because the clearance between the visor and the helmet is so less, if I open the visor in a bit of a hurry applying more force, it scrapes.

This is what I can think of just now. There is more I think.
^^I am shit scared now of landing with a dupe. I hope I get somebody to accompany me while going to buy the helmet. Any volunteers? I hope Sunny is free.
Wel I'd not touch AGV now :lol: Mine was an import with an MPA and ISI sticker as I bought mine ummm...2.5 years ago :lol: What nikhil said is true. My helmet's just fine, only ranting is that paint chips off if the helmet falls, not even a small scratch if I have an accident :@

I'm using te same visor which came with the bike :P It has a really good scratchproof visor. Although mine has lots of scratches, it does not have that swirl kinda micro scratches you get from 99% of the visors...Oh yeah, I keep using a certain scratch removes on the visor time to time to make it look good :lol: still the visor is so good, I always use visor down when driving in the night :)

Hooli got a GPR sometime back...hafta ask him hows it...
^^Thank you Nikhil :D

I have posted my query on X-Bhp also. Lets see if I get any replies there or if anybody there has some good contacts. Will let you know.


Thanks for the info. But I am really confused on what to get and where to get it from :S
Need advise/ help !!

My bike has reached B'lore.
Now need a helmet before i can roam free :)

I have a helmet back home but decided to buy a new one,so aborted the idea of getting the old one here :)

A google search on "find helmet bangalore" and it landed me here :P

Now, please help me decide buy a proper helmet :)

I have heard of VEGA being good. Used a cheap studds back at my place(800 bucks :ashamed:)

Need suggestion on which one to buy and where :S
^ Around 1500, can go upto 2k if i really like the design and build quality.

Would prefer a simple yet stylish helmet :P without any graphics :)
i was also looking for a new helmet 6 months back and got Vega Boolean for 1.5k,it has both graphics and matte options, i got the matte black one,it would be better if you go and try some helmets yourself :)
RS4 said:
Lalbagh road has some good shops,whats your budget?

+1. Check the shops opposite urvashi theater. Should get a wide range of selection.

I'm out of the helmet scene since a long time, good brands nowadays i heard are LS2
ramanujpatro said:
^ Around 1500, can go upto 2k if i really like the design and build quality.

Would prefer a simple yet stylish helmet :P without any graphics :)

Vega Boolean is good helmet, but since its flip type its not as safe as full face helmets coz there are chances of getting it opened during impact. LS2 w/o graphics should cost u around 2k ... like these VEGA : Helmet Manufacturers In India, Helmet Manufacturers In Bangalore, Helmet Brands In India, Helmet India, Best Helmets In India, Best ISI Helmets, Designer Helmets, Cheaper Helmets, Quality Helmets, Helmet In India, Helmets In India, Motorcycle
A good VFM helmet is LS2. It is sold in many shops in the Lal-Bagh Road. The cost is around 2.3k to 2.8k depends on the bargaining skills. The latest model from LS2 is the cartoon. Most bikers use this as it is a good dot approved helmet. You can try helmet paradise/Balaji helmets but be prepared to haggle a lot. Try saying that you are from Xbhp it may help in reduceing the price a bit.
Thanks for the input. :cool2:

Actually i like the open face helmets.

So went for a basic Vega Eclipse Model.
LS2's should start at around 2.5k, and have received good reviews from the Indian biking community. However, I would recommend you pick them up from GP road as Adventure on the Rocks marks up the price a bit.
^will do. I have a cross helmet. Not comfortable to me anymore for some reason (Have put on some weight :P)
Try the Studd's Ninja -- I have been using it since March this year, nice and comfortable. Got it for Rs.1100.
I've the MPA AGV that I bought last year. Cost be 2.4k for the clear visor. But its darn heavy! Recommend people to stay away from it!
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