Not sure if anyone will agree with me, you will hate your philps if you listen to Sony or panasonic, even budget stuff!!
Get a demo ar your local electronic goods shoppe!!
Compare philips/sony/panasonic Hi-fi mini compo systems and see for yourself!! maybe comparo will give some idea of sound quality of these brands!!
While getting my 7000W Sony hi-fi, happened to check out Philips with WooX, priced at 28K something!! Speakers/drivers JARR even at midVolumes!!
Well, even my 36K sony gave up in 7 days to be precise!! Just couldn't handle my Trance tracks!! But thats one long but interesting story altogether!!
SO those Philips thingies you thinkinhg of are definite NO-NO as per me!!:no:
Will be doing a Hometheater Review on monday for a pal interested in buying one soon!!
His requirements pretty much like yours!!
Will be checkin most Budget brands- all price categories!!
Maybe that will be of some help to you!!
As far i songs for demo check are concerned, its best to listen to whatever you ocassionally listen to, especially your fave ones!
You hav heard them so much, you will notice any improvement or fault instantly!!
Was working and learning about Hi-end audio and hometheatre at a friends studio/office before my accident!!
Mostly listen to alll popular tracks, but am a bit partial to trance and Rock as in GnR, Scorpions, etc..
Everytime i tried my overexploited cds on newer expensive setups, i would emerge discovering newer sounds in them!!:hap2: something even expensive 30K Hi-fi mini compo systems can never reproduce!!
During one such session, found out that the long dragging bass thump i was used to in one of my fave trance tracks was actually composed of several distinct bass thumps and reverberations in quick succession!!:rofl:
But Apart from quality, wot may apply to one Genre of music is not always applicable to another!!
So you are the Best judge!! Though a second opinion from pal with similar taste is always Super Comforting!! Wot say!!
All the best!!:hap2: