Looking for a tripod for my DSLR

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Molar Police
Staff member
Please suggest me a light weight tripod for my DSLR. I have a Canon 550D with the stock 18-55mm lens, and the 50mm prime. I might end up buying a telephoto lens some time before the end of this year.
I am looking for something at about the 6k to 7k range. I won't be shooting videos very often. I will have to buy this online only, so links will be helpful.
Thank you.
@logistopath, Sorry for hijacking your thread, but I am also looking for Ball head tripod, I have Canon 550D, 70-200L USM lens and kit lens.
I have seen below 2 tripods and need help for selecting between Benro 350 and Manfrotto 293. Both has load capacity of 4Kg. My budget is around 7K. Need expert opinion to choose good ball head tripod.
Please suggest.

MANFROTTO 293 ~ 7651 + additional 10% off - http://www.snapdeal.com/product/manfrotto-293-aluminum-kit-tripod/668570?pos=20;29 -

BENRO http://www.snapdeal.com/product/benro-a350fbh0-universal-series-tripod/290924?pos=7;35
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@maddy_in65 Not a problem in the least. I believe we have almost similar requirements.

@madhukannan That seems to be a very good deal.. How has your experience with the tripod been?
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I just bought it last week , haven't used much to give a true opinion, but it seems much more sturdy and stable than my old slik 740 . And it weighs 2kg which may not match your requirement . If you are not adding a heavy weight lens you can go for some thing which has "4kg" capacity which might be easy to carry .
Yeah.. everywhere the Benro 650F BH2 sells for more than 10K. Anyway, I went ahead and ordered the same today. I am sure it would serve my purpose well.
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