CPU/Mobo Looking for an AMD DDR3 Mobo

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I am looking to buy a new AMD DDR3 motheroard with integrated graphics.

The motherboards that I can find are the following:

Asus M4A785TD-V EVO ~7100
MSI 785G-E65 ~ 5600
MSI 790GX-G65 WINKI ~7000

What I would really like is the Gigabyte GA-MA785GT-UD3H but it doesnt seem to be available anywhere. The reason I would prefer that board is that it has 6 SATA ports rather than the 5SATA+1eSATA. My case already has an eSata connector which I can use if needed, but I know of no way to turn the eSata port into an internal port. The board also has audio provided by ALC889a which i have heard is the best of the integrated solutions.

So, I would appreciate it if any of you can help me out regarding which board I should go for from the 3 I have listed or if you know where the gigabyte board is available. I would prefer not to spend too much more than 7k for the board. I am located in Bombay.

I am planning on using a Phenom II 550 with the board. It would be great if the board supports unlocking the 2 disabled cores, but it is not a must.


Recently bought a Biostar TA790GX A3+ and the 550 BE combo for a friend, unlocked with just the modded bios and ACC kept to auto.. the board has both DVI and VGA onboard. ATI x3000 or 3300 i guess is the onboard gpu. Costs 6.5k here in Bangalore, so great vfm too..
Naveen, can you please elaborate why it is a better choice than the 2 MSI boards I have listed. The 790 based board is in the same price range while the MSI 785 board is ~1500 cheaper, which is a reasonable amount of money.
Sathya, I believe the GD70 is based on the 790FX norhtbridge. I am looking for a mobo with integrated graphics, which rules that out.
sathyanaidu said:
Recently bought a Biostar TA790GX A3+ and the 550 BE combo for a friend, unlocked with just the modded bios and ACC kept to auto.. the board has both DVI and VGA onboard. ATI x3000 or 3300 i guess is the onboard gpu. Costs 6.5k here in Bangalore, so great vfm too..

Will the motherboard accept DDR2 800 Rams also or only DDR3 Rams ?
Is it worthwhile to spend the extra money on this board for DDR3 compatibility (future upgrades) as compared to biostar 785GE 128 for 4k

Want to use with a Phenom II 620

The ASUS 785G EVO is the best 785G mobo for well upto 8.5k range, especially with all it's features, full atx form factor etc.etc
+1 for ASUS 785G

i have the same mobo, i was able to unlock x2 550be to quad easily with "unleashing" mode, And plus it runs ddr3 @ 1600mhz(even oc to 1800) unlike some other 785g mobos

heres my screenshot


MSI winki board looks good to me...

but which would be the best board among these mentioned or other boards tht support DD3??... with integrated gfx...
p.s.: whr did u get these prices from??
Thanks for all the inputs guys. Decided on the Asus m4a785td-v evo. Stavan, from a purely graphics pov, the 790gx is a better chipset than the 785g, but for movies etc, 785g wins over the 790gx due to uvd2 which puts lesser loads on cpu. Prices can be found at various places on the net as well as local resellers such as prime for me.
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