Looking for portable bluetooth speakers


Hi guys,

Looking for a set of portable bluetooth speakers (stereo). 2-3 options I have come up with in the 1.5k-3k range. Wanted to see if anyone has a personal experiences with any of these.

0. Foxl V2 - Probably, the holy grail in this category, but $200 is way-way over my budget - Probably not available in India - Head-fi
1. Creative D100 - Little pricey and reviews are mixed - Flipkart
2. DBEST PS4003BT - Good reviews, though bass seems poor - Currently my pick - Flipkart
3. X-mini Max II - Decent reviews from non - audiophiles - Flipkart

Anyone know of any others to consider?

Any deals, etc will also be appreciated.

Hi Arvind,

Thanks for the reply. Sorry but I already went ahead and ordered the DBEST. Frankly for my use - compact, travel-friendly & with battery the F&D ones would not apply.

But I went and checked out some of their other products and they seem real bang for the buck. Will get them for some other purpose at the 1st opportunity.
