Looking to buy my First Android Phone... Please Help

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arun687 said:
Nexus S anyday if you're ok with not having warranty. Else Desire HD is the way to go IMO.

You could also get ZTE blade for 40% your budget and use it for few months marking your entry to Android, then jump to Tegra 2 devices when they come later this year.
though i know naveen has bought the phone, but this is the best way to go about as far as getting on to the android bandwagon is concerned.
Better buy a spare battery or keep charging every 18-20 hours, I suppose. All the best. It's a good phone EXCEPT for the battery life.
Thanks for the suggestion but i don't really think that i'll be needing a spare battery as my average call last for about 2 mins.
Can you comment on video play back and music [when you receive the phone] ???

and also why did you bought from ebay ? used any coupons ? so total how much damage :P ?
Android+ htc sense is very tempting...
After going through HTC sense video, I liked it very much and bought Desire Z yesterday...not a impulsive purchase but it feels heavy on pocket :P
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