Looks like a SCAM!!!

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Ok, I have received this same email twice now. It says that it is from WOW Blizzard and honestly, I have never registered for a WOW Account!!! :@

Check it out... Seems like a SCAM to me. I have been ignoring this for 2 days now! What are your views??

From: WoWaccountadmin@blizzard.com (wowaccountadmin@blizzard.com)
Sent: 30 October 2011 07:16AM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@live.com


It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell your personal World of Warcraft account(s). As you may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement. If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard Entertainment's employees. If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership.

You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account to this secure website with:

Login to your account, In accordance following template to verify your account.

* Account name
* Account password
* First and Surname
* Secret Question and Answer
Show * Please enter the correct information

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently.

Once we verify your account, we will reply to your e-mail informing you that we have dropped the investigation.


Account Administration Team
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Support
World of Warcraft , Blizzard Entertainment 2010

Please retain all history if you reply to this mail

Damn YES!!! I am trying to sell my WOW Account! An account that doesn't exist!!! Morons!!!
:@ :@
Its a scam. Been getting those for over a year now. I love whoever thought of the 'prompt before hyperlinks are activated' feature in emails.
same with me,i get it on my hotmail but it dutifully goes in to spam folder.

so just block it and forget it.
Aces170 said:
Its https://sea.battle.net

A phishing scam for sure...

Edit: Nope looks like genuine, seems someone would be using random emails to register etc...

^^ But doesn't blizzard have a account verification system in place where one has to verify the email address before the account is activated?? :@

The mails go to my spam folder by default but still, I wanted to know how they managed to get a @blizzard.com mail id and managed to spam me!! :P
its easy to fake a 'from' address...you only need your own mail server

same with the links, i bet they have something else anchored to it
I think its not phishing

couple of reasons,

1.When logged in with randon id/pass combo, it shows

An error has occurred.

This e-mail/name combination does not exist.

2.The website is battle.net .

However best option would be to get the email verified from blizzard support ids.
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