Lost mobile phone

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Lost my samsung spica i5700 on 22.3.2011
I have file a complaint against police station
Is there any other way to recover mobile from IMEI
I stay at mumbai India
Soyab0007 said:
Lost my samsung spica i5700 on 22.3.2011
I have file a complaint against police station
Is there any other way to recover mobile from IMEI
I stay at mumbai India
though it is theoretically possible, but practically it is close to impossible :(
well you could locate it remotely... if u had watchDroid or where'sMyDroid installed.. or perhaps norton / kaspersky / lookout installed.
Nothing will help you practically.

If you are the person who have good contacts with some high level persons like OC, Commissioner or some Mantri's / MLA's then it's ok, otherwise forget your baby :(
Now a days its almost impossible to get your lost phone back unless you have some big-shot contacts. But some 5yrs back, after 6 months of no trace, local police use to offer cellphones they collected having untraceable owners. So we had no choice bt to either choose from their handful of options or leave it and close the FIR. Some people went lucky, having lost their cheap phones and in return got a hi end phone.;)

My own friend at that time lost a samsung b/w phone & return got a nokia 7250 which was priced 6k more at that time.:P

But now its not the same era anymore.

What i would suggest in todays world is just keep a regular backup of your Contacts, Sms, Calenders or anything you need. Because data is more important than gadgets. You can buy any stuff from the market but cant get your data back from anywhere in this world. And install some tracker on your device and just hope it actually works.
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