Lost Planet 2 Benchmark Tool Released!

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Ran the benchmark today and here are the results :
Common setting : Res : 1920x1080, Rest all high
DX9 Test A :
No AA - 79.7 FPS
8x AA - 69.2FPS

DX 9 Test B
No AA - 75.1FPS
8x AA - 67.9FPS

DX11 Test A
No AA - 62FPS
8x AA 52FPS

DX11 Test B
No AA - 50.8FPS
8x AA - 41.5FPS
But, tearing happens because you have a GPU that is over powerful for the game.. Dont you mean the other way round...
^^^ by tearing i meant the one that happens when u oc ur card to run a game properly when at stock its no giving enuf fps.
Since I can't find the official Lost Planet 2 thread, a quick message to Gannu, the PC version is now available. So don't go for the PS3 version just yet.
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Ethan_Hunt said:
Since I can't find the official Lost Planet 2 thread, a quick message to Gannu, the PC version is now available. So don't go for the PS3 version just yet.
I got myself the PS3 version almost 2 weeks back. I know I should have waited. :'(
^The disk is with Dhruv ATM. He should be sending it by the month end. Like I said before, I am not touching my console until the new display is home. :P

LP2 has okay'ish reviews otherwise. I loved playing LP back in 2008. Seems like LP 1 was vastly under-rated.
I'm getting the PC version as well. Now that we have a working LAN co-op mode, this is going to be much more interesting. Let me know if you're up for the PC version.
^Oh damn I never knew the PC version would be released this early, which is why I got the PS3 copy in the first place. :(
Me neither. So I directly jumped to the 360 version. Anyway, I'll see if I can arrange a copy for you too.
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