MAC OS X Bootable

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I downloaded a mac OSX intel patched bootable image & i tried booting from it,but it just skipped and went right into my current primary OS. I have a dell Inspiron 8200 & I just want to have MAC OSX as the only OS on my system.When I analyse the image with PowerISO,it shows as being bootable..but for some reason,it just doesnt boot.I burnt the DVD with nero. What am I doing wrong?

Any insight/help would be appreciated.

^^see if ur h/w is supported by the particular version. afaik...the patched mac osx aint for lappys.
When burning the hacked/patched mac os x dvd's make sure you burn at very slow speeds or else you may get this type of errors. It seems your problem is boot device priority in bios, make sure dvd rom has first priority, if it still wont boot then try burning again on another dvd-rom .
Well, ive made all the necessary arrangements for booting from the DVD. . .. also,I checked the compatibility of the mac OS with my Computer from the wiki page located here and the installation guide from here which I cant get to!

Ill try burning the DVD again at a lower speed...but I dont think it will change anything.

Its a JAS patched MacOSX 10.4.8 install DVD.

I have a dell inspiron 8200 with the following specs.
Inspoiron 8200 BIOS Version A06
NVIDIA Geforce MX440Go 64MB Graphics Card

Anything I'm missing?
^why jas 10.4.8? osx86 has come a long way from that. I suggest you try iatkos dvds (leopard), they have a high success rates and i personally find them the easiest to install. read and forums for more info.
The newer versions arent compatible with my hardware instruction set.10.4.8 is the max I can go to. . . Ill check into leopard's compatibility with my system. If it works,well & good....ill install it,but till then...need some alternative suggestions to working with this distro.

there are sse2 versions of iatkos iirc, and am pretty sure that ppl have it running on MX440 video. So pls check again about the compatability thing.
Also, you are better off posting this query on insanelymac forums side by side...they will provide much more varied information..
You might also find the exact same config as urs..
I want to have it as my primary OS. . ..I have used PearPC,and I want to run only macOS.I think im gonna use XP just for my work needs.

btw,can someone tell me which iatkos release I should get for a SSE2? v1.0, or v1.0r1.

iceman316 said:

I downloaded a mac OSX intel patched bootable image

Iceman , this implies that you dont have an original copy and we dont allow discussion about pirated software on the forums.
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